A Conversation for Talking Point - Your Greatest Hits on h2g2

DNA's signed cards...

Post 1


Does anyone here remember that we got DNA to sign thanks cards for all of the Subs just after we first started up? He sat and signed them all in his office at TDV with a big fat black pen, with the U number and name of the Researcher. We asked for names and addresses specially to send them off.

Some of the people must still be here - I'm trying to think of who was in the original group and got one of the cards....

John the Gardener
Zach - probably
Dancing Tree

Who else was part of the first subs group? Wow, that's a tricky one! I'll have to think about it!

DNA's signed cards...

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

I remember. It's among my most prized possessions. My card has a Japanese-style watercolour of a goldfish or a koi by Peter Cavaciuti.

I think Mark saved a lot of stuff from the early days. I'm sure he would know. I'm embarrassed that I can't for the moment remember.

Smiley Ben was in the first group, I'm sure. He and Zach were responsible for 99% of the emails and most of the great ideas.

DNA's signed cards...

Post 3


I went out and bought the cards in Covent Garden and took them back for Douglas to sign. I know *exactly* which card you have. I found it really hard to find a suitable card, I dithered for ages, so many cards are totally trivial. Those were kind of right, I thought, He signed them in front of me. smiley - smiley

Mark and I are partners, we live together now. That time was very special, it made it all work. We have all of the original subs emails stored on his computer, so when he gets back from his long distance walk it'd be easy to pull the info out.

We met through the Subs list, so more embarrassingly he also has my first email to him... smiley - loveblush

smiley - smiley

DNA's signed cards...

Post 4

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Hey, that's great! Time must still be special. smiley - cheers

You did a great job picking the cards. Mine is almost certainly the one that I would have picked if I'd had the task... and if I didn't run out of patience first. I hate to think of DNA having to sign some of the goofy cards that you see in the racks. Some are so maudlin they should come with insulin.smiley - yuk


DNA's signed cards...

Post 5


Yes, its good - we have fun! We're a good team. smiley - smiley

I'm really pleased you liked the card. It was that or a 'chocolate box' one with a kitten on it! smiley - winkeye

DNA's signed cards...

Post 6

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Any chockies inside? smiley - winkeye


DNA's signed cards...

Post 7


Nah, we would have eaten them. Extra postage charges you know... smiley - winkeye

DNA's signed cards...

Post 8

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Don't tell me there's no stamp money since they cancelled Doctor Who! smiley - winkeye

DNA's signed cards...

Post 9

Jimi X

Mine is hanging on the wall in my office. smiley - cool

I can email you a photo of the thing hanging there if you'd like)...

DNA's signed cards...

Post 10


Have you really got it on your office wall? smiley - biggrin

I got Douglas to sign one for me too... after all I was an original Sub too. They all thought I was daft, but hey, I wanted one too. smiley - smiley

DNA's signed cards...

Post 11

Jimi X

Yep, it hangs right over my desk (which is currently a disaster area of the worst order).

It's comforting to see that cool fish up there... smiley - smiley

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