A Conversation for Talking Point - Your Greatest Hits on h2g2

Perfect Day

Post 1

I. Pentameter, Unofficial Facilitator and Distributor of Poetry, Short Stories, and other forms of Cruel and Unusual Punishment

The day when I signed up to h2g2 (the lowercases have it--"H2G2" is icky) is the greatest one that time has seen fit to give me thus far. Summer, parents gone, a week of blissful productivity to use as I saw fit--and, as I had seen "h2g2.com" in Salmon of Doubt, I went here. I haven't looked back since. I tapped into the stream-of-consciousness style of humor (actually, it's better than the average s.o.c.-rant, but it borrows a lot from s.o.c.), the sense of community, and the marvelous form of communication commonly known as internet bulletin boarding (Surf the 'net on bulletin "boards"!). Kudos to you up there!
The only competition is the time when I convinced a real-life friend to join h2g2. Look up "The Poetic Gryphon--who has finished her homework and will get around to taking over the world shortly,".
smiley - cheers!
smiley - zenPentameter/Semiquaversmiley - zen

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