A Conversation for Talking Point - Your Greatest Hits on h2g2

Well - you did ask...

Post 1


'Have you made some really good friends on h2g2?'
Many - too many to mention infact, from early days right through to recently. smiley - hug

'Have you found romance, a partner or even got married because of life on h2g2?'
Absolutely yes - I first started chatting to U45152 Towelmaster in July 1999, mostly thanks to one of those aforementioned friends U40408 Monsy, who suggested we may have a few things in common. We've been engaged for some time now and are currently living in unwedded bliss together. smiley - lovesmiley - kiss

'Have you been a shoulder to cry on and helped a fellow Researcher to work through their problems?'
Yes. smiley - cuddle

'Have you learned something new?'
Yes - just about everything I know about using the internet I learned from h2g2 including GuideML and how to run an online newspaper. smiley - thepost

'Are you more interesting because of h2g2?'
I have no idea... am I? smiley - erm

'Have you been inspired to do something special as a result of time spent on site?'
I guess running <./>ThePost</.> must count as something special and I was/am most certainly inspired to do that. I am also happy to be a member of some of the volunteer groups and, though not always active, try to use their philosophies when dealing with new people I meet in and around h2g2. smiley - ok

'Have you made some big life decisions because of h2g2?'
Yes. One of the biggest! Moving to Holland over three years ago to be with my man which has opened up a whole new life for me. smiley - lovesmiley - wow

'Have you written an entry that you're really proud of?'
Sorry - I have to mention three here!
A655535 How to Make Perfect Pickled Onions, inspired by the lack of these delicacies in Holland and taking a couple of jars to an h2g2 Meet - this still comes out top of the list on a BBC general search, sharing the page with the illustrious A673508 Farts and Flatulence Entry! smiley - laugh, A646724 Bezique, the Card Game as part of the ongoing University Card Game project and my own University effort A661051 Traditional Christmas Fayre smiley - xmaspud

'Have you broken up a fight, and spread your peace vibes everywhere?'
Indeed yes, most notably during an h2g2 election campaign. smiley - peacedove

shazz smiley - magic

Well - you did ask...

Post 2

Demon Drawer

Have you made some really good friends on h2g2?

Oh yes. Having been to numerous meet up I supsect there are many more to come. But also there are many more friends who I have never, yet, ahd the opportunity to meet because time and distance seperate us but who I chat to regularly online.

Have you found romance, a partner or even got married because of life on h2g2?

Umm. Yes to the great shock of many I meet FC U137089 on her first night on H2G2 and just missed ACEing her. However over the next three months we became good friend but very few people would have expected us to become engaged 4 months after we first meet in the F and F.

Have you been a shoulder to cry on and helped a fellow Researcher to work through their problems?

I suppoe I have done a lot of this quite often in the M2M2 forums and to a number of those firends in a more private forum such as ICQ or over text messages.

Have you learned something new?

Yes. Many things. Some while doing my research others though reading other peoples articles or comments. Too many new things to mention.

Are you more interesting because of h2g2?

HArd to say. I was interesting before. I reckon I'm just more interesting to a wider range of people and people from America, Australia and Europe read what I have written now which instead of making me more interesting jsut makes mne more widely read.

Have you been inspired to do something special as a result of time spent on site?

I suppoe setting up H2G2's James Bond film 'The Donots are Not Enough' and also the H2G2 Acadamy Awards

Have you made some big life decisions because of h2g2?

Getting engaged to FC for one. Which has meant moving to Scotland. Looking for houses and getting involved back in politics as a result. So quite major yes.

Have you written an entry that you're really proud of?

Gosh which one to chose. I think of all my entries my favourite was A944255 Film References in the Song 'Science Fiction Double Feature' which combined so many of my interests in a major research project. The theme has been continues in a number of other recent entries of mine.

Have you broken up a fight, and spread your peace vibes everywhere?

Yes on a number of occasions I believe.

Well - you did ask...

Post 3

Post Team

Hi DD smiley - hug

Fancy meeting you here smiley - winkeye

Just remembered something to add here!

Other things I've learned: Thanks to Bluebottle I know a lot about the Isle of Wight - which is handy as I am packing to go to my daughters' wedding this week and she now lives on the Isle of Wight. smiley - laugh

shazz smiley - thepost

Well - you did ask...

Post 4

Demon Drawer

Does that mean I have to get married in Hersey, Penn. from reading all of Jimi X's stuff then. smiley - winkeye

Well - you did ask...

Post 5

Post Team

Probably! smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - thepost

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