A Conversation for Talking Point - Your Greatest Hits on h2g2

Experimental Sub

Post 1

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

The Sub-eds, love 'em or hate 'em, are now so much a part of h2g2 life and lore that it is hard to imagine a time when there weren't any. But there really was a time when the production of new Entries entirely depended on Jim Lynn's addiction to chocolate-coated coffee beans and the superhuman efforts of the h2g2 team. Rumours that Jim had access to Timelord technology, though persistent, remain unsubstantiated.

What I'm most proud of, then, is being invited to take part in the first experimental use of Researchers in the editing process. The original recruits were a great bunch, all fanatically committed to making h2g2 more and better and bigger than... well, anything! At this point Mark Moxon should be asked to take a bow. Those of us who were a part of the original Sub-ed experiment remember and appreciate his hard work in keeping the wheels on and generally rolling in the direction of success. The email debates over this, that, and the other thing were often heated and were nearly always mind-numbingly convoluted. I often had to unplug the connections to my legs in order to devote enough brain power to keeping up. They would make great reading, even now.

Some of the original ten volunteers are still around; but, sadly, others have ridden off into the virtual sunset. Some, like the inimitable ZachsMind, still occasionally pop by... but all too rarely.

I am proud to have been a part of all that. Thanks all.

JTG smiley - cheers

Experimental Sub

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Oh, and some of the stuff I've written's not bad. smiley - winkeye

Experimental Sub

Post 3


Wow - I didn't realise you had been around so long John. Since we share similar U numbers I thought I would just say hi.

smiley - peacedoveWoodpigeon

Experimental Sub

Post 4

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Hi, Woodpigeon. I'm afraid I've not been very active lately. smiley - blush

Experimental Sub

Post 5

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Sorry... I just thought of something else which I might be excused for feeling a bit proud of:

I suggested the Amnesty International Petition (A455528) after Subbing the Entry, Torture (A453296). This was a pretty powerful piece, which happened to arrive at the same time that AI was about to launch its Stop Torture campaign.

As a result of getting involved in the issue, and thinking a little bit more seriously about it than I had previously, I became an active member of Amnesty International, and began to take a much more active interest in world affairs. The writing I have done here has given me the confidence to take up the pen in a number of causes, writing letters, essays, and cheques in the name of human rights.

Thanks, h2g2.

JTG smiley - peacedove

Experimental Sub

Post 6


I remember it well John. smiley - ok

I was one of the original subs way before I was hired to join the team. I loved it, I thought it was totally inspirational. But Zach's emails... Do you remember? 10 pages of text, no paragraph breaks, all full of great stuff, but whew! Heavy going!

It was a lovely time though. smiley - smiley

Experimental Sub

Post 7

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Don't forget your obituary pages, jtg. smiley - winkeye

I think I was a semi-original subbie -- at least, I was part of the scheme before Mark re-vamped it. The world was a smaller place, back then.

*rocking chair creaks*

Experimental Sub

Post 8

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Hi, Peta. Zach's emails were often enough to set your head spinning. He came up with some amazing ideas though, didn't he? smiley - smiley

smiley - doh... smaller and mostly made of wood. How could I have forgotten Remembrance?


Not only were you one of the first contributors, Lil, you were the official Ghost Writer for the DIY Obits page. Not only that, but your job title (I've just noticed) has the distinction of being the last bit of coloured text left in my collection of stuff... which is so fitting it's spooky, because I Subbed your brilliant Entry, Web Safe Colours (A315901).


Cheers, both! smiley - cheers

Experimental Sub

Post 9


Hi John,

Zach was fabulous! smiley - smiley Douglas Adams did much the same thing, came up with ideas that sent your mind spinning, but would be real hard to put in pratice!I I miss them both! And that sounds awful in a way maybe but they were both a part of making this in the early days.

But hey, Zach! I have had email contact with him fairly recently. He's still writing and working on the web, but he's got a partner who takes him away from that world now, and so good for him. He's happy. And fulfilled in other things. Good for him. I do hope he stays in touch, he was memorable. At are you JTG. smiley - smiley Nice to stay in touch. smiley - smiley It's been a long time. smiley - smiley

Experimental Sub

Post 10

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

That's great to hear. I'm glad Zach's doing well, and that he is staying in touch. It must have been wonderful working for DNA, someone with limitless imagination and the energy to bring ideas to life. People like that really draw out the best in those around them.

I called by Frink's Drinks (A112924) the other day. That must have been one of the first h2g2 clubs. TV's Frink was another guy with seemingly boundless imagination. He even had us in a contest picking the winners of the American college basketball at one point, something I would never have been even minutely interested in otherwise.

JTG smiley - smiley

Experimental Sub

Post 11


Yes, I remember Frink really well. I was sad when he left, he was one of the first people who went, and I was sad to see go.

I've got used to the turnover now, I think its part of the natural way of things, but at the time I was very sad to see him go. I remember the basketball thing too; are people still doing these things these days? I'm a bit far removed from it all to know, but I did love being that involved back then. Bliss! Just pure fun! smiley - smiley

Experimental Sub

Post 12

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

To tell you the truth, Peta, I'm a bit out of touch. I was away for a while, and a lot seems to have changed. I exchange posts with old friends, Jimi X and Ginger, and a few newer friends; but my contact with the rest of the community has been mainly through the front page: new Entries, Talking Point, Collaborative Topics.

Which reminds me... I haven't congratulated you on your new job. Well done! I've just had a sneeky peep at your Personal Space; your new job looks really interesting. I imagine it must keep you hopping though. It must be an exciting time at the BBC, with the advent of the web community side of the operation, a whole new cultural interface, really. You should be proud that h2g2 is playing such an important role and that DNA's legacy is at the cutting edge of it all. That's really something. smiley - smiley


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