A Conversation for Talking Point - Your Greatest Hits on h2g2

A few thoughts...

Post 1


Writing that first entry and getting it accepted.

Proposing a change to the way the site was run, and getting it accepted.

Proposing a change to the wording of the Peer Review page, and getting it accepted.

Getting into the top twenty most prolific contributor's list.

Getting a Field Researcher badge.

Helping people understand stuff - and especially getting posts from people thanking me. Major buzz, that.

Making people laugh. Another buzz.

The poetry p**stakes I hacked together when Mark Moxon left.

A couple of haikus.

The paper plane entry.

Writing and submitting to Peer Review an entry designed to flush out ignorant bigots, and having it succeed well beyond my expectations.


A few thoughts...

Post 2


A few more:

Convincing at least a few people that a particular h2g2 member wasn't human, but was in fact a sophisticated computer program. U197974

Conceiving and executing over the course of a couple of days a spoof so vicious in its accuracy that it successfully killed off an irritation to the site that had been ongoing for several months, by making it look as ridiculous as it was.

More to come....


A few thoughts...

Post 3

David Conway

"Conceiving and executing over the course of a couple of days a spoof so vicious in its accuracy that it successfully killed off an irritation to the site that had been ongoing for several months, by making it look as ridiculous as it was."

Duly noted.



A few thoughts...

Post 4

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

What was that? Or is it something the mods/cennsors would object to?

A few thoughts...

Post 5


smiley - laugh

Sometimes you do something, thinking, "I can sooooo predict the response to this", then you kick yourself for the hubris of thinking that other humans could be so deterministic, so predictable. And while you're still rubbing your own shins, your prediction comes true, almost word for word. smiley - biggrin

RDO: I wrote a summary of what it was about, but following the advice in A628643, I shalln't post it here. If you really want to know, drop me an email address and I'll forward you a precis.

smiley - cheers


A few thoughts...

Post 6


This thread assumes some background, but is the main discussion of what went on...


If you want to know more than is there, let me know.


A few thoughts...

Post 7

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

I think I understand what's going on, especially after looking at ne of the parody acounts. Thanks for answering and I see why you can't say more here.

Sorry for being so predicable.

If you want to say more, my address is hari_seldon(at)email.com. I'd be interested in the background, but don't bother if you're buisy or it would take to long to explain.

(at) means @, I put it in so that spammer web crallers won't find my address here.

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