A Conversation for Talking Point: What do you think about h2g2?

What I think of h2g2

Post 1

Deus ex Machina {trying to keep in shapes}

Hmm... guess I'll answer those questions to start...

What is your favourite part of h2g2?
The sense of community that exists here.

How often do you visit us?
Mornings, lunch break, and afternoons. Almost all day on weekendssmiley - winkeye

Do you have a favourite Edited Entry? If so, what is it and why do you like it?
I like A362260 - The Simpsons because of its incredible detail.

What are your favourite haunts? Is Ask h2g2 the tops or are you involved in other Community activities?
My favourite place on Wednesday afternoon is the regular conversation at the new issue of <./>ThePost</.>. You won't believe the stuff that goes on while waiting for the new issue to be complete!smiley - biggrin

Do you read <./>ThePost</.>?
When don't I?

If you could change any aspect of the site, what would it be and why?
It would be the fact that you can't use offsite images. Why? Because although I'm not good enough to be a CommunityArtist I occasionally make a good picture that I want to put on my Personal Space. Also, I take many photographs that I want to put on my PS.smiley - smiley

Are you a member of any other community websites? How do they compare to h2g2?
Well, I'm a member of h2g2. Does that count? Also, I'm a member of h2g2, h2g2, and h2g2.

Anyway, that's it. Oh, and h2g2 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

smiley - eurekaDeus Ex Machinasmiley - eureka

What I think of h2g2

Post 2


- What is your favourite part of h2g2?

Part?...you want me to choose one part I like over all the rest?...probably my personal space then - not for the content I've added, but for the ability to keep track of conversations, entries, post journals when I'm feeling excited about something (the last 3 have been about glastonbury<sad&gtsmiley - winkeye and when all gets quiet browsing around my friends friends friends uspaces to see who is about.

- How often do you visit us?

shhh - don't tell my boss, every workday from 9 till 5, I'll have h2g2 open in the background and spend most of the time reading other peoples posts and occasionally commenting. Then in the evenings and weekends if I get the chance I come on and gibber.

- Do you have a favourite Edited Entry? If so, what is it and why do you like it?

No I don't have a favourite edited entry...I tend to lose interest a little once entries reach the front page, although I do like to subscribe to certain entries to make contact with new researchers with similar interests.

- What are your favourite haunts? Is Ask h2g2 the tops or are you involved in other Community activities?

Well I'm subscribed to askh2g2 and peer review (although I'm not as involved in pr as I was a few months back I prefer to stay subscribed and just unsubscribe from the majority of entries and stay up to date on the threads about subjects which interest me). I'm also subscribed to De Myelin Nation. I tend to subscribe to the talking points/collaborative entries on the front page if the subject interests me. My conversations list is huge and unwieldy but I love the fact that the most bizarre conversations will occassionally appear at the top and drag me in.

- Do you read ThePost?

No...I've never quite got past the fact that I have to remember to visit every week...more on this later

- If you could change any aspect of the site, what would it be and why?

With regard to the post I would like to be able to subscribe to a page where the contents/front page of each edition could be posted so I could get a reminder and a summary when the new edition appears.

A few technical improvements would make my life a bit easier (a bulk unsubscribe tool, the ability to search within threads/forums/catagories etc etc, a filter which allowed me to swear if I want to and read swearing if I want to with the default set to star out banned words)

Are you a member of any other community websites? How do they compare to h2g2?

I'm a regular poster on the BBCi messageboards (OneLife, Ouch!, celebdaq) and I hate them, the technology is awful.

I used to be a fan of Yahoo Chat but gradually yahoo removed all the features I liked it for (the ability to speak with a large group of people was removed by the predominance of PMing, eventually the need to even type was removed by the introduction of voice chatsmiley - yuk...ruined the place by allowing people who liked the sound of their own voice to dominate entire rooms)

So far as the messageboards go I wish they would move over to DNA technology...it would make everything so much easier for mesmiley - winkeye

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