A Conversation for Talking Point: What do you think about h2g2?

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Post 1

Spaceechik, Typomancer

This is such a varied, knowledgeable, cantankerous, intelligent, boisterous, educated, unbridled, supportive, argumentative, friendly, FUNNY community! I find myself checking in to see what the conversations are about NOW. There's always someone on and talking, no matter what time I check in.

I originally joined because as an American I felt there was a HUGE chunk of news and information that no one in my country was talking about (usually because noboby knew about it). I feel I've become more a world citizen, or at least not as woefully ignorant, since joining in Nov. '99. Besides, where else can you find some smiley - handcuffs and a smiley - spork on the same smileys list? smiley - winkeye

SC smiley - planetsmiley - cheers

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