A Conversation for Hitchhiking
DNA's debt
Jim Lynn Started conversation Jun 22, 1999
Douglas has always admitted his debt to 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to Europe' - in fact he's told the story of how the idea for 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' came about in a field in Innsbruck so often that he no longer has any memory of the event - it exists now only as anecdote.
DNA's debt
Researcher 38090 Posted Jun 22, 1999
Thanks. Its nice that it seemed like that should have been the case, even though I'd never heard that story. I'm hoping this guide does fullfil its potential to be a collection of usefull knowledge, growing like coral.
At the moment its more fun than useful, where Ken Welshs book managed to be both. But I see no reason why it can't become everything DNA's fictional guide was.
People I've suggested this to don't take this seriously, but if the human race still exists 2,000 years from now, and the initial promise to throw nothing away is kept, the scope for what this site may become is immense.
Do you have that sense of potential (and in your position responsibility) as well?
But some advice as to whether you think my writing to K.Welsh would be appropriate would be appreciated.
DNA's debt
Jim Lynn Posted Jun 22, 1999
We're all very aware that this could (and should) become something that can last generations. It's our job to see that it fulfills its enormous potential.
I don't know about contacting Ken Welsh. It's probably something that would better come from us.
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DNA's debt
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