A Conversation for Hitchhiking
reyesearcher2000 Started conversation Dec 9, 1999
I enjoyed reading what you wrote about hitchhicking.
I am a veteran hitchicker that can agree with everything you have talked about.
I cannot say for sure the statistics of violent acts committed, either by the driver
that picks the hitcher up(which I have heard was more common) or the hitcher or hitchers. Having spent time out their going all over America I have felt that it is rather a safe mode and that probably just as safe as in the past but the media has changed peoples
views about hitchhiking and has provoked fear in people.
I have always laughed at some of the antics I would see on the highways.
The looks of such disapproval, Reaching over and locking the passenger door after seeing me hitching.
And they are going 60 MPH.
But the wonderful thing is the people that do stop. They erase any negetive from others.
They are usually the most gracious and interesting.
I was picked up and taken through AZ and New Mexico by a couple of wild bandits who just robbed a
gas station that he worked at, at least thats what they said, but he said he knew that he would pick someone up
and myself and my cousin were the ones. He got us dinner and a motel room alongside himself and his girlfriend.
He even contributed to my Cousins 18th birthday party. The next morning after breakfast he drove us to El Paso
and he was gone. I found the wheather, the cold, to be very hard to deal with but it makes McDonalds coffee
heaven. I have been of the road for a couple years and am planning another journey to
excersise my body and my mind. Thanks again for your posting.
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