A Conversation for Underguide Scheme, Plan D
a girl called Ben Posted Feb 10, 2003
fwt is right that most of the convos have taken place here. The MSN group will probably form the core of the mail-group for the Underguide Volunteers in the fullness of time, but at the moment it is best considered just another set of threads.
GTB put together a list of links which (thinking about it) needs updating. Hey Ho. Anyway - the list is here: http://groups.msn.com/TheH2G2Underguide
To summarise - we have been talking about:
Underguide Volunteers - What should they be called? What should they do? What should they be called? What should they not do? What should they be called?
Processes and procedures - Waz has drafted up some pages equivalent to 'Why be a Scout?' and 'What do Scouts do?' for Underguide Volunteers.
Anna has said that the Editors would consider re-writing the AWW page, and possibly calling it Alternative-PR, and GTB has drafted up a new version of the page.
Deidzoeb has put together a proposal, which is where this thread appears.
A lot of us are starting to go through the entries in AWW, letting the writers know about the UG, and - very gently - practicing out our voting. We are not saying 'this would not be suitable for the UG' out of the blue, though we *are* saying 'I think this might be suitable, what do other Underguiders think?' What is interesting is that most people are fairly tentative about putting forward their own opinions, (which is wise, imho) and they are asking others what they think. None of us actually knows what makes a good UG entry, of course... Being in AWW is an exercise in tact and diplomacy, but a rewarding one.
I am sorry to hear that you have been through such a bad time spook. I hope that you can find h2g2 a nice place to be.
friendlywithteeth Posted Feb 10, 2003
We've had a lot of trying on different hats...
i.e. playing with different ideas, going down different avenues of thought etc.
So what do you think of 'poetry, prose and personals'?
a girl called Ben Posted Feb 10, 2003
'Prose' is normal text. It is the opposite of 'Poetry'.
fwt - I like the aliteration, but I am not sure that they are particularly effective in distinguishing different categories.
I find my self thinking in terms of:
Personal encounters - (ie entries about people that the writer knows)
Personal travel
Maybe we should just play a 'classification game' when we comment.
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