War against Iraq

1 Conversation

We seem to get closer and closer to war, yet I am conscious of no great passion around me. Everyone disagrees with the idea of war, yes, but where are the heated protests, the pointed questions, the rational arguments ? Are we to simply lie down and allow our prime minister to lead us into a war which has no purpose other than to shift a foreign potentate he does not particularly like?
Here is the rationale as I see it - Twin towers in new York are destroyed. We are told that the villain responsible is someone called Bin Laden. We all go off to war in Afghanistan - where the villain is apparently holed up. At the same time we are told that we are also to go to war in Iraq. We ask why. We are told that there is another villain living there who happens to be the leader. We ask - what has that got to do with the twin towers? There is no answer. We ask again, and are told that there is 'evidence'. We ask to see the evidence - but there is none. But Mr Hussein is a bad man and there must be evidence as he is in the 'axis of evil'. So, we ask, what is this axis of evil? Ha, we are told, it is a list of people we dont like. And that, my friends, seems to be why we are going to war. But wait ! We are told that he has weapons of 'mass destruction'. So now the option is - If we dont go to war, he may not use them. If we DO go to war, we know he WILL use them - assuming, that is, that he has got them ! Is this not a mad world ? Yours chaotically - Patrice

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