A Conversation for How to use a Zebra Crossing in the UK

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 21


"The only time you get traffic lights without pedestrian buttons is on roads where pedestrians are not allowed, such as slip-roads and end-of- motorway intersections."

I think that you've been living in London too long Jimster, traffic lights are all over my town with no crossings! but I'll have another look into it tomorrow. I'll have a look in my Roadcraft book at home, and if that's no help I'll ring the highways agency. smiley - biggrin

I'll also do the typo and (reminder to me) change the metal studs to white studs tomorrow.

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 22

Smij - Formerly Jimster

'traffic lights are all over my town with no crossings!'

So, um, they're not zebra crossings either then smiley - smiley

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 23

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

It might also be worth mentioning that some zebra crossings are raised, particularly if they are in a run of speed humps. There's one like this in Greenwich. A bit like a speed table, but only as wide as the zebra crossing.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 24


"So, um, they're not zebra crossings either then"

But that's not what you said! smiley - erm I'm confused.... smiley - tongueout

I'll add that in about speed humps as well. smiley - ok

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 25

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Mina, I think I've confused myself smiley - erm

I've got a good excuse though, it's the horse tranquilliers for my foot. smiley - biggrin

Funny, cos I only chipped up to agree with what you'd originally said - I agree that opening up the entry might fufge it a bit, it's fine as it is IMO.

(That word again - fufge. Absolutely not a typo, no way)


A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 26

Mu Beta

Hi Mina - a little interesting fact, that you might wish to add.

Legally, in the UK, the kerb stones are part of the 'road' - therefore a pedestrian with a foot on the kerbstone has legal precedence, and there was a case a few years ago where a lady successfully sued a cyclist for not stopping, despite the fact she hadn't stepped down off the kerb. I'll try and dig out a link for you.

Nice entry, though.smiley - ok


A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 27


WEll, according to my local council highways department, if they have lights they are a pelicon crossing, and they shouldn't have a zebra as well. So I'm actually going to remove the mention of traffic lights because I think that it's a one-off.

MAster B, I'd love that link, although I'm going to do a bit of research on it as well. Typically, I haven't got my highway code here today.

I'll do the other changes now. smiley - smiley

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 28

Mu Beta

I didn't say there _was_ a link, although I heard it from a fairly reliable source, so it's unlikely to be urban legend.


A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 29


Sorry, I must have misunderstood. I'll have a look through google anyway.smiley - smiley It's not something that I've heard before, although it does explain why the GCC teaches us not to stand on the kerb. smiley - smiley

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 30

Mu Beta

Yeah - I'm sure, at least, that that much of it is true. The kerbstones are technically, and legally, part of the road and not of the pavement.


A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 31

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Which, we could assume, is why the Green Cross Code warns us to stand well back from the kerb? smiley - cheers

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 32

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

And that some drivers like to drive with a wheel on the kerb, particularly HGV going round corners.

spelugx -- 5913 days without a road traffic accident

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 33


Hmm, well, I'm not sure that they're supposed to do that!

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 34

Bels - an incurable optimist. A1050986

So does this mean that you can legally park on the kerb, since it isn't part of the pavement?

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 35

Mu Beta

Yeah, but it'll knacker your tyres, unless they're very thin ones.


A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 36

NAITA (Join ViTAL - A1014625)

Nice entry! smiley - ok I didn't know you ukians had such weird names for your pedestrian crossings. smiley - winkeye
I think you're right to leave it as an entry on UK ZCs as a lot of it doesn't apply to other countries. I also think you could leave out the link to the Green Cross Code. If for no other reason than that it annoyed me. smiley - winkeye (I'll come up with some better reasons if you disagree.)

smiley - devil

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 37


As I can't find any information anywhere, about whether the kerb is part of the road or the pavement, I'll leave this out of the entry. All I can find is that parking on the pavement is illegal - which I knew anyway.

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 38

puzzlella (playing word games, solving puzzles)

My memory isn't what it was but panda crossing seems to apply to a black and white crossing with lights. However there is no mention of it in my copy of Driving. Can anyone else remember panda crossings?

A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 39

Mu Beta

It does seem to be a difficult ruling to track down, Mina. The best I can come up with is the definition of a road under Australian Law, which 'shall include within its constraints all boundaries and dividing markers, including kerbs...and flora.'


A941735 - How to use a Zebra crossing in the UK

Post 40


I've searched for panda crossings, and apparently they were introduced in 1962. smiley - smiley But I can't find a picture of one, or any further information about what they were/are. smiley - blue There's nothing in the online highway code either.

Thanks Master B, I can't use an Aussie rule though. smiley - sadface

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