A Conversation for Frank Zappa and The Illinois Enema Bandit!

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Post 1


That is a fascinating and funny story, although I'm sure it wasn't for the victims. I always wondered what the real story behind (sic) this guys was. All I knew before was that in the words of Mr. Zappa was that it was a true story as he proceeds the live version of this song on Live in New York to that effect.

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Post 2


Thanks ...... I had fun digging out (ouch) the information!

smiley - monster

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Post 3


oh, I forgot ..... you might want to go here A977141 ... it's new, so does not come up on the search engine yet!

smiley - monster

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Post 4


I'll have to check out these Zappa pages when I have some more time. Glad to see he still has his fans out there. Being the cult hero that he was, I feel he never got his due. Most people when you mention his name think of Doctor Demento's show or the risque lyrics. Of course that stuff is funny but they totally ignore the fact that this man was a genius guitar player. I'll be back.

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