A Conversation for Proposals for an Underguide Scheme
Dragged Kicking and Screaming!
Deidzoeb Posted Feb 4, 2003
Here's more info explaining about GuideML
I know that tables will work in it, because after BBC stopped us from using art from other websites, some people played around with making tiny smiley icons or graphics using tiny tables with each field as a tiny jot of color.
yeah like that!
paulie Posted Feb 4, 2003
that info page is just what I am talking about. I bookmarked it and it'll be the first page I visit after looking at personal converstaions. The reason people want in the edited guide is the guide in the long run and peer review (which you should only really be in if you are trying to get into the guide) in the short run are about the only ways to get much attention. Who would I talk to about suggesting they just stick a link to that page or something like it on the front page? They could call it "what's happening now" or something less corny. That'd be all I need, and I'd be happy and helpful, should anybody desire my help
thanks for the welcome Ben, and the link Deidzoeb (that name sounds like a perfect google search to me, you never know where you'll end up that way)
yeah like that!
Deidzoeb Posted Feb 4, 2003
paulie, you could click on the "FEEDBACK" link that should be somewhere on the page. I think it's one of those important ones that they link from every page on h2g2, but it's along the top & bottoms of the screen in the alabaster skin, left side in brunel skin, and it's been so long since I've viewed goo, I can't remember in that one.
If you leave them a message in the General section of Feedback or maybe in the Feature suggestions, that would probably be the best place to let them know.
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Dragged Kicking and Screaming!
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."