A Conversation for Silly Beggars. Aren't we all.

Can o' super. A braw nicht in Glesca.:oP

Post 101

Colonel Codpiece

That's nothing...when I was 1, the girl across the road kidnapped me, took me to the woods and prodded me with a stick for two hours!smiley - laugh

Bizarre.smiley - puff

Can o' super. A braw nicht in Glesca.:oP

Post 102


please tell me yyoure joking..smiley - laugh

but then it is scotland were talking about!..right weirdies them scots are ya know!..smiley - laugh

Can o' super. A braw nicht in Glesca.:oP

Post 103

Colonel Codpiece

Nope, not joking!smiley - laugh

Only got a vague memory, I was like 18 months old or something.smiley - erm Apparently I was all scratched and bruised...I think it's bluddy hilarious! Not many people can say they've been kidnapped, eh?smiley - biggrin

Can o' super. A braw nicht in Glesca.:oP

Post 104


Its IS bloody hilarious ..lol n kidnaped by another jid just be poked for hrs too..smiley - laugh

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 105

Colonel Codpiece

I think I'm falling in love with the erm smiley...

smiley - erm How cute is that?! If only I could find someone who can make that face without the aid of drugs, if only!!

smiley - erm Awww!smiley - loveblush

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 106


Ooooooh kay!...smiley - laugh

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 107

Colonel Codpiece

Ooh! It's gorgeous!smiley - erm

Hangover then?smiley - biggrin Throbbing head...itchy conscience...total beamer?smiley - biggrin

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 108


heads not too bad thanks..got an unwelcome surprise with accompanying nasty belly cramps though smiley - sadface just hope it doesnt stop them sorting me out on thursday!,,that would reallly pi** me off! if id gone out n got so drunk i couldnt remember anything id probably have a very itchy conscience...lol but i didnt streak through the bar or anything did i???? ...smiley - laugh

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 109

Colonel Codpiece

Nope, no streaking.smiley - run A bit of bawdiness and a bit of venom though!smiley - yikes

I hope you'll be smiley - ok for Thursday...no drinking before then!

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 110


whats bawdiness?...lol venom? doesnt sound like me at all smiley - whistle

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 111

Colonel Codpiece

smiley - whistle

Nope, all sweetness and light...not scary at all!smiley - run

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 112


Well i aint sweetness n light..bur ive never been scary ...have i? smiley - yikes
im actually pretty timid!Especially in Rl..probly why i was always picked on!smiley - laugh

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 113

Colonel Codpiece

Well...maybe not scary...shall we say, explosive? Nah, forthright? Nah, can't think of the word!smiley - grr

It sucks being nice...prime bully target. They used to say I'd explode one day and destroy everything in my path. I have thrown a newspaper in disgust, but i tend to be sneakier.smiley - thief

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 114


I know what youre trying to getme to say (what word)..n i aint gonna say it!..smiley - laugh

I do have a tendancy to speak my mind..but only if i knnow some usually!..otherwise i can be almost painfully shy!(years of bullying will do that to you) explosive?...ive never lost my temper on here! (i rearely do,but when do its horrible!..lol),im more one to burst into tears or sulk anyway!...lol quite an insecure buny really ...and now the bloosy text disappears everytime i try to fix th typos!smiley - grr

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 115

Colonel Codpiece

What word is that?smiley - biggrinsmiley - angel

I used to lose my temper when I was young, I've grown up a bit now...realised it's not that effective.smiley - zensmiley - peacesign

smiley - hugWas last night more about insecurity than anger then? You were pretty upset and I think you kind of upset kow.smiley - yikes

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 116


wasnt angry at all..

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 117

Colonel Codpiece

smiley - sorry Don't mean to be nosey! Just am!smiley - laugh Kidding...just thought the two of you used to have a right laugh. I miss the entertainment.

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 118


You werent being nosey smiley - hug

Ive been pretty screwed up lately(maybe i always was! )..taking quite a while to sort through everything..might even take forever!

Most of the time i can laugh things off..or throw it back quite well,but sometimes things can hit a sore spot and you never know what itll be..or how much itll upset you n what itll open up. doesnt happen that often though thankfully..cos you can get so bloody tired!

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 119

Colonel Codpiece

Happens to the best, and worstsmiley - biggrin, of us. The word 'mother' seems to do it for me.smiley - grrsmiley - laugh Suppose there are some sore spots that never go away eh?smiley - hug

With the op coming up you're bound to be feeling sensitive...honestly don't think kow meant anything though, if he didn't like you he'd most probably just tell you. I've seen his posts to people he doesn't like.smiley - yikes

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 120


sometimes would be nice to go smiley - grr rather than smiley - wah just for a changesmiley - erm

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