A Conversation for Silly Beggars. Aren't we all.

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 121


seems very quiet on here tonight...maybe theres something on the telly..?? lol

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 122

Colonel Codpiece

If you smiley - grr instead of smiley - wah you'll have tidier mascara and fewer friends!smiley - zenThis pot really makes me weird, gotta change supplies!

Thinking about it, I don't even cry anymore...I just sigh and spark up!smiley - laugh

I think one of the million Star Trek spin-offs is on...smiley - yawn I missed bluddy Buffy on Thursday!smiley - yikes

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 123


In that case i need to FIND a supplier!...smiley - biggrin

Buffy was ok..smiley - whistle

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 124


Thattl teach you for inspecting wee boys throats eh....lol

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 125

Colonel Codpiece

Wee boy?! smiley - sigh

I'm going to have to but the Buffy box-set now!smiley - sigh

I'd post you a joint, don't think it would escape the sniffer dogs though...

Am I a cradle-snatcher? That would be slightly ironic!smiley - laugh

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 126


Why would it be ironic?(brain still slow from hangover!...lol) n no i spose you wouldnt be..though i wouldnt snog a 19 year old...lol

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 127

Colonel Codpiece

I'm a kidnapee!smiley - groan Another one bites the dust!smiley - laugh

Well, he's nearly 20...smiley - erm and I'm nearly 23. Oh well, tis over then. Shame, when he drummed he made a face a bit like smiley - erm!

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 128


ahhhhhhhh ..smiley - laugh...well if youd feel comfortable with a toyboy (just kidding!)...witth a slightly younger chappy..then it wouldnt be a prob would it !smiley - biggrin

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 129

Colonel Codpiece

I'll just see what happens next weekend...if Barbara hasn't married us by then.smiley - groan

He's quite short too.smiley - erm But what a cheeky face! Aaargh! What a 'Betty' thing to say!smiley - run

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 130


Paul Calfsmiley - run

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 131


How short exactly?..not ooh look Angelas walking her baby brother short i hope!...smiley - laugh

Spose i cant talk..idve shagged that cute yank from the video shop n hes5 years younger than me!...lol

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 132

Colonel Codpiece

smiley - yikesIs that who I think it is? Slap!!

About 5'8"...not totally tiny, as long as I don't wear heels.smiley - erm I'm trying to list saving graces here...NOT five years youngersmiley - nahnah, good hair, little smiley - erm face...

Give up.smiley - sigh

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 133


Thats one disadvantage to being tall aint it..lol btw..hope that wast me you was slapping..oucch..

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 134


Wasnt even!..eyes going funny...lol

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 135

Colonel Codpiece

I wouldn't slap you! You'd blow me up!smiley - run

There are lots of disadvantages to being tall...banging your head on the top of the bus, kicking yourself in the ass...

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 136


Hurts that does smiley - laugh

Morning has broken...as has my frontal lobe.

Post 137

Colonel Codpiece

What about when the circulation slows and your legs fold under your arse, leving you in a tangled heap on the floor? Maybe that's just me, but it's still a fecker!smiley - injured

Phwoaaaarrrr! Gerrinther!!lmao

Post 138

Colonel Codpiece

Hmmmpf. Another bluddy 19 year-old!smiley - wah

I think Christmas came late...smiley - erm

Phwoaaaarrrr! Gerrinther!!lmao

Post 139


so whos this now then? smiley - laugh

Phwoaaaarrrr! Gerrinther!!lmao

Post 140

Colonel Codpiece

A gorgeous little(6'2"!) guy from the mailroom...phwoar...shame he's so young. When they ask their mate to ask your mate if you'd go for a drink you know they're not quite there yet.smiley - laugh

What happened to Vidmar mark2smiley - huh

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