A Conversation for Silly Beggars. Aren't we all.

Tell me ya boaby!!!!

Post 41


That should come in handy at the next pub quizsmiley - erm

Tell me ya boaby!!!!

Post 42

Colonel Codpiece

Don't watch Jackass then?smiley - erm

In a bit of a mood this afternoon smiley - esuom?

Tell me ya boaby!!!!

Post 43


Still a little pissed with TW emailssmiley - grr

smiley - popcorn

I thought everybody watched Jackasssmiley - huh

Tell me ya boaby!!!!

Post 44

Colonel Codpiece

If you watch Jackass you must have seen the daytrip to Mianus...'there's a General Store in Mianus' 'They sell chocolate milkshake in Mianus'...

smiley - rose The email's a pain in the ass...I'm concocting conspiracy theories at the moment. It is a little convenient for yoome2, being the only operational means of communicationsmiley - erm

smiley - cheerup

Tell me ya boaby!!!!

Post 45


smiley - eurekaI remember it now, "do you want to take a picture of Mianus?"smiley - laugh

Not a Margera fan are you?

I thought they'd sorted the emails out , well it seemed to work for a couple of dayssmiley - erm

Everybody seems to think they're fetching LD back, I'm not so optimisticsmiley - bruised, it's something we wantsmiley - erm

smiley - cuddle

Tell me ya boaby!!!!

Post 46

Colonel Codpiece

I think I should change the titlesmiley - erm

I smiley - love Bam Margera, he's a slapstick genius! Poor little Dunn though, all the coordination of a lemming.

Maybe TW will realise that yoome2 is s**t and they'll lose money on it...I say maybe.smiley - cross They don't seem t be the brightest sparks.

smiley - cuddleYou got your vibe back yet?smiley - biggrin

Tell me ya boaby!!!!

Post 47


The title of what?

TeleWest won't lose out, yoomedia pay TW to have it on their platform. And if only 10 people use yoome2 it's money that they weren't getting before with LD.

Bam is spam!

Vibe?! Why what have you been up to?

Tell me ya boaby!!!!

Post 48

Colonel Codpiece

smiley - blush I thought it was the other way round for some reason, TW collect the cash and give yoome2 their cut as providers.

The title of this thread.smiley - laugh Hopefully you have no idea what a 'boaby' is!smiley - run

I haven't been up to anything!smiley - bigeyes I was wondering if you'd got your kow-vibe back...I won't even try to explain.

Bam is a God!smiley - loveblush Dumb and athleticsmiley - biggrin

What's a boaby?!

Post 49


You're right, I have no idea what a boaby issmiley - bigeyes

It'll be something like that, TW will pay yoomedia after they've taken their cut for collecting and carriage.

Vague as eversmiley - biggrin

Phil Margera is bettersmiley - tongueout

What's a boaby?!

Post 50

Colonel Codpiece

Phil deserves a medal...getting a plunger to the head in the middle of the night.smiley - yikes Bam's brother's band are actually pretty good

Who's vague?smiley - biggrin

Still haven't told me what was under the asterisks...I'll tell you what a boaby issmiley - grovel

What's a boaby?!

Post 51


smiley - biggrin
I'll just ask MACsmiley - tongueout

...and the shaving foam and the stereo in his earsmiley - laugh How Bam is alive I don't know, cos I'd kill himsmiley - laugh

Not heard the band, not into noo whateversmiley - erm

Hugster the vague?!smiley - whistle

What was under the asterisks?

Post 52

Colonel Codpiece

MAC's from East Kilbride, he won't have a scooby.smiley - laugh

You have heard the band, their best track is playing during the shopping trolley skit. Rock is rock as far as I'm concerned, I'l listen to anything that makes me want to play air-guitar.smiley - biggrin

I'm not vague...I is mysterious.smiley - laugh

What was under the asterisks?

Post 53


Mysterioussmiley - laugh

smiley - laugh

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

I'll listen to most except noo punk?! noo metal??? Noo whatever they decide to mass produce nextsmiley - erm

What type of air-guitar you got?

What was under the asterisks?

Post 54

Colonel Codpiece

If I'm mysterious, you're a model of virtue!smiley - tongueout

Can't categorise music...a few supposed nu-metal bands are actually great - Deftones, early Korn.

I alternate between a Fender Strat and a big purple Gibson Bass...then there's my pot drum-kit and chopstickssmiley - blush

What was under the asterisks?

Post 55


Hey, I'll have you know, I'm very virtuoussmiley - tongueout

...and I suppose Kurt Cobain was Godsmiley - laugh

Oh! A zildjansmiley - biggrin

What was under the asterisks?

Post 56

Colonel Codpiece

Morrison was Zeus...Cobain was Hermes.smiley - tongueout

Nice geeetar dude! Fancy a jam?smiley - laugh

Do you know Foghat 'Slowride'? Perfect for air-performance.

smiley - puff

What asterisks? What's a boaby?!

Post 57


Jim or Van

Nirvana suckedsmiley - devil

smiley - diva

You get your boaby when I get my asterisks! And what about the Go To Work answer?!

Post 58

Colonel Codpiece

Uhhh! Uh! The cheek! Talk to the hand cos the face ain't listening!!!smiley - cross

All Apologies, Heart-Shaped Box! Sucked?! smiley - grr

smiley - puff

Well, each to their own...

Go to work answer?! Haven't been in that thread yet 0:-)

Post 59


Nevermind suckedsmiley - tongueout

They were all hypesmiley - devil

Couldn't hold a light to Joy Divisionsmiley - biggrin


Post 60

Colonel Codpiece

OMG that is sooooooooo Eighties! You're an easy-listening Lounge Lizard!!!smiley - laughsmiley - nahnah

Any RECENT bands you like?

Or should that be DECENT...smiley - devil

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