A Conversation for The Sporkites

Sfanesp- Food of the Future!!!!

Post 1

Deus ex Machina {trying to keep in shapes}

To quote myself, in my request to join the sporkites:
"And we need to create a new food that fits ONLY in sporks. I would call it sfanesp.
What does that stand for?
S pork
F ood
A nd
N utrition
E dible
S nack
P roduct

And, it will taste almost, but not quite, entirely like tea."
So who is with me? We NEED sfanesp! Say it with me! SFANESP!!!!!!!
And then eat it, knowing that only spork owners can eat it! Mmmmm, I can taste that sfanesp now! So, Sporkites, join me in this worthy cause!

Sfanesp- Food of the Future!!!!

Post 2

Deus ex Machina {trying to keep in shapes}

Sfanesp, by the way, is now available at Milliways: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe!

Sfanesp- Food of the Future!!!!

Post 3

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Care to create an entry about it? I'll link to it on the Sporkites page...

(Change the flavour though, I hate tea)

Sfanesp- Food of the Future!!!!

Post 4

Deadelvis - The Chamber of Sillyness

What's wrong with smiley - tea?

*Drinks smiley - tea*

*Spits it out*

Oh, I see...

Sfanesp- Food of the Future!!!!

Post 5

Deus ex Machina {trying to keep in shapes}

OK, we have now changed the flavour.

In fact, Sfanesp now comes in 3 flavours:
and Grape!!!

Plus, we'll add more flavors on demand.

Sfanesp- Food of the Future!!!!

Post 6

Deus ex Machina {trying to keep in shapes}

View the Sfanesp Guide Entry at:

Sfanesp- Food of the Future!!!!

Post 7

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Exellent! I'll add it straight away!

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