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One of the three major monotheistic religions, Islam was started formally around 14 centuries ago (623C.E.) in the Arabian town of Mecca by the Prophet Mohammed (swt). In contrast with the polytheistic beliefs extant at the time, Mohammed preached belief in One God, a day of Judgement and an afterlife composed of either Heaven (if one was good), or Hell (if one wasn't). The religion also preached charity and kindness for the poor and needy, in personal redemption, equal rights between men and women, the right of divorce for women as well as many other things.

It's central beliefs can be expressed in what are known as the "Five Pillars of Islam" which are given below:

1. Shahadah - Creed

"La Illaha Illalahu, Mohammadur rasullilah" - "There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah" Central to Islam, it is said that anyone who truly and sincerely believes this is a Muslim.

2. Salat - Prayer

Muslims pray five times a day, in pre-dawn light, just after noon, during mid to late afternoon, just after sunset, and night time. Prayers are mandatory, and serve to keep a lasting connection to Allah, and feeling of God Consciousness, or Taqwa.

3. Ramadan - Fasting

A month of fasting every year in the Islamic Calendar just before the second festival of Eid. Nothing is taken into the body during the thirty days of this month, no food or drink smoking or medicine or sex. However Muslims are allowed to eat from dusk till dawn. the fast is broken straight after mahgrib prayer as mahgrib is done just after sunset. Fasting is forbidden to those who are ill, children, elderly, pregnant or to those it would cause serious hardship. The purpose of fasting is to remember the poor in society, to instill a sense of devotion and self-discipline, and remove distractions to allow one to focus more clearly on one's actions, and on God.

4.Zakat - Charity

A certain portion of the income of every muslim who earns is given to the welfare of the poor and needy in society. The money is either given directly, through a mosque or charity, or is donated in the form of voluntary work to the same amount. It usually benefits the homeless, the very poor families, the hospitals, or anyone else in dire need. Although different schools of law provide differing degrees of zakat definitions, there are common rules to which all muslims adhere, a summary of which can be found on this site:

BBC Zakat Page

5. Hajj - Pilgrimage

Once in a muslim's life, if it is not impossible, a muslim goes on the Sacred Pilgrimage to Mecca known as the Hajj. This Ritual lasts for several days, and once completed washes away all sins in the persons life to date, rendering them as sinless as the day they were born.

Some General information about Islam

The Universal Islamic Greeting is: "Assallam alaikum", meaning "May Peace be with you".

"Islam" means "peace", and "submission". It reflects the ego dissolving nature of the religion. Modesty is supposed to be the character of Islam, as one realizes that one is completely dependent upon Allah.

Islam is a true monotheistic religion, and as such doesn't believe in any divisions of God (like the Trinity, for example). People are born good, and make mistakes during their lives that may or may not lead them to evil acts. A person is thus responsible for his or her own actions, is capable of personal redemption, and must accept responsibility for who they are. Forgiveness for sins comitted, if sincerely prayed for, is always granted. Muslims believe in all the prophets of the old testament in Christianity, and Judaism, as well as the Angels, and acknowledge the existence of the Devil, although in Islam he is known as Iblis. Muslims believe religion pervades and defines every aspect of life, and as such see the goal of governments and social institutions as one of providing a just society within which a person may find peace and fullfilment, and the freedom to pursue a spiritual life if that is what they choose.

The Holy Book of Islam is known as the Quran, and is seen as the Sacred Eternal Word of God.

God (or Allah in Arabic) is the same God of Abraham, and Moses that is referred to in Judaism, and Christianity. He is Eternal, Absolute, Omnipotent, Omnicogniscent, and Creator and Destroyer of the Universe and all the Worlds.

Muslims believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and that he was a human Prophet like Moses, and Abraham sent to guide humanity and bring them closer to God. They do not believe he was divine, just a human being.

Islam is the only one of the three monotheistic religions to accept that those outside of their faith (in this case, non-muslims) may also go to Heaven if they are good and kind and believe in God.

Around 80% of muslims are non-Arabs, and live outside the Arabian world. Islam does not believe in races, or a 'chosen people'. It is open to all.

Islam is the fastest growing religion on the planet. Not including those people born into the faith. Including those people still makes it the fastest growing religion on the planet, but is more a reflection of societal growth rather than religious adoption.

Most of the converts to Islam are from the West (Europe and America). Most of these are educated women between 16 and 35.

Islam is the major religion in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan), North Africa (Algeria, Morroco through to Egypt and Libya), and the Near East (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc).

The word Jihad (often translated in the west as Holy War) in fact means no more or less than "struggle". It is often applied to study of mathematics, and history, and the Quran. As well as to resisting invasions to one's homeland.

Muslims have their own Islamic calendar which is based upon the moon (like the Chinese and Jewish Calendars) rather than the Sun, and takes its starting date as that of the Hijra (623 AD), and each year is 11 days shorter than the Gregorian Calendar, meaning that Muslim dates move through the seasons, including quite importantly the start and finish dates of Ramadan.

Islam has it's own economic system, quite different to that of the rest of the world. Inbuilt with a notion of welfare, interest on loans is strictly forbidden. Investment is allowed and encouraged.

Intoxication is forbidden in Islam, and so Drugs and Alcohol are not allowed. Neither is the taking of any sort of poison. Or suicide.

Like Jews, Muslims have dietary laws. Food must be 'Halal' which means both 'pure' and 'allowed'. Most food is halal, however there are special rules for animals and meat. Animals must be free range, have lived a good life, be free from pain and disease due to their fate, must be killed quickly and painlessly, and a prayer must be said for the animals soul to enter heaven before it is killed. Blood must be drained from the animal before it is fit to eat, in order to prevent it becoming carrion. Muslims don't eat carnivores, or diseased animals, nor do they eat battery animals. Fish are halal because they are caught in the open water, a prayer is send once they are caught for their souls. Muslims do not hunt for sport. Killing for animals for sport is Haram (Utterly Forbidden). Muslims regard Kosher food as Halal.

Muslims scholars came up with the base ten number system commonly employed today in mathematics across the world. Algebra is named after a muslim book of math Al-Jibr, and algorithms are named after the muslim scholar Al-Ghowarizmi (or Khowarizmi, depending on how you want to spell it) who first defined them and set out their systematic use for normal everyday tasks, as well as for mathematics. Islam encourages enquiry into the the workings of the world and there is no artificial distinction between 'science' and 'religion'.

Women and Men are equal in Islam. Families are very important, old people are almost never put into homes but looked after by and live with the family until they pass away.

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