A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'
The FoLDers bar# 21
LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett Posted May 2, 2006
im thirsty bartender everything you have plz
The FoLDers bar# 21
Reality Manipulator Posted May 2, 2006
Alexandria here are some drinks +
= Port,
= Sherry
Galatic Blaster,
whoshkeyvaa (Gaelic for whisky it means water of Life)
The FoLDers bar# 21
Reality Manipulator Posted May 3, 2006
Andy heres a Special Brew from my
Would you like a 1/2 pounder with extra cheese, onions, tomatoes,
sauce with or without chilli sauce, gherkins and French Fries (like the ones that increase your IQ from Doctor
Who last weeks episode) with or without salt
The FoLDers bar# 21
Reality Manipulator Posted May 4, 2006
Andy here is the 1/2 pounders with extra toppings of cheese, onion, gherkins, chilli sauce, burger
sauce, tomato ketchup, lettuce, tomatoes.
The FoLDers bar# 21
Reality Manipulator Posted May 6, 2006
Hi Andy, I hope you are having a good weekend. It's a pity about the weather, its been raining in South Ockendon since late morning.
The FoLDers bar# 21
Reality Manipulator Posted May 7, 2006
Andy I hope that weather was not too bad where you are. It's got colder here and we had a whole day of rain yesterday. When I went to the shops today I saw a big puddle (on part of the pavement where there is grass and mud) and there was a splashing in it. I wonder if you know anything about Mobiles telephones. Do you know which is the best Nokia to get and is the most simplest to you use?
The FoLDers bar# 21
LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett Posted May 9, 2006
mmmmm alccccccoooooooohhhhhhhoooooooollllllll andy whats that red n white striped football shirt your wearing looks like the one in when saturday comes lol
Key: Complain about this post
The FoLDers bar# 21
- 4441: (crazyhorse)impeach hypatia (Apr 25, 2006)
- 4442: Reality Manipulator (Apr 25, 2006)
- 4443: owlatronas (May 1, 2006)
- 4444: LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett (May 2, 2006)
- 4445: Reality Manipulator (May 2, 2006)
- 4446: Reality Manipulator (May 2, 2006)
- 4447: owlatronas (May 3, 2006)
- 4448: Reality Manipulator (May 3, 2006)
- 4449: owlatronas (May 3, 2006)
- 4450: Reality Manipulator (May 3, 2006)
- 4451: owlatronas (May 3, 2006)
- 4452: Reality Manipulator (May 3, 2006)
- 4453: owlatronas (May 3, 2006)
- 4454: Reality Manipulator (May 4, 2006)
- 4455: Reality Manipulator (May 4, 2006)
- 4456: owlatronas (May 6, 2006)
- 4457: Reality Manipulator (May 6, 2006)
- 4458: owlatronas (May 7, 2006)
- 4459: Reality Manipulator (May 7, 2006)
- 4460: LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett (May 9, 2006)
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