A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'
The FoLDers bar# 21
Reality Manipulator Posted May 9, 2006
Alexandria and Ian here are your drinks Special brew , 22 shillings Special brew
Here are some snacks: +
The FoLDers bar# 21
owlatronas Posted May 12, 2006
it was until lunchtime when we had a thunderstorm
The FoLDers bar# 21
Reality Manipulator Posted May 12, 2006
There has not been any thunder or rain yet in Essex but I did see a streak of lightening.
The FoLDers bar# 21
Reality Manipulator Posted May 13, 2006
Andy we got our promised rain, it was so heavy it distrubted my Mam's Sky service. Hopefully the grass will benefit from it.
The FoLDers bar# 21
owlatronas Posted May 14, 2006
well we have had some sun this weekend but again mainly rain
The FoLDers bar# 21
owlatronas Posted May 14, 2006
ive just been watching the thing on ian brady and myra hindley
The FoLDers bar# 21
Reality Manipulator Posted May 15, 2006
Hi Andy would you like to have a snack?
I am going to get my old settee and chairs taken away, to have my bedsette put in its place this week.
Key: Complain about this post
The FoLDers bar# 21
- 4461: (crazyhorse)impeach hypatia (May 9, 2006)
- 4462: Reality Manipulator (May 9, 2006)
- 4463: owlatronas (May 12, 2006)
- 4464: Reality Manipulator (May 12, 2006)
- 4465: owlatronas (May 12, 2006)
- 4466: Reality Manipulator (May 12, 2006)
- 4467: Reality Manipulator (May 12, 2006)
- 4468: owlatronas (May 12, 2006)
- 4469: Reality Manipulator (May 12, 2006)
- 4470: owlatronas (May 12, 2006)
- 4471: Reality Manipulator (May 12, 2006)
- 4472: owlatronas (May 12, 2006)
- 4473: Reality Manipulator (May 13, 2006)
- 4474: owlatronas (May 14, 2006)
- 4475: Reality Manipulator (May 14, 2006)
- 4476: owlatronas (May 14, 2006)
- 4477: Reality Manipulator (May 15, 2006)
- 4478: owlatronas (May 22, 2006)
- 4479: Reality Manipulator (May 22, 2006)
- 4480: owlatronas (May 22, 2006)
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