A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1841

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Not sure you was ignored. Maybe with the name Anarchist in these times, people was just waiting to see 'how to take your humor'. Yea OK it's a punk thing, but not everybody will get the link at first.

Anyway I think your funny in a dry hasmiley - laughha way. Not funny smiley - weird

So here ==>smiley - ale and stop yer moaning. smiley - tongueout

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1842

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

You think Im funny? Sweet.
I wasnt ignored but I was less involved.

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1843

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

I like differernt types of humor.

From Slapstick, to Black. Futurama cracks me up.

'The office' not funny, makes me cringe - I w*rked in a place just like that. *reaches* for the bluesmiley - earthpills to mix with a smiley - stiffdrink

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1844


Hiya folks!! Howz it goin?

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1845

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

Think a new bar area is now in use smiley - erm

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1846

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Hi Draven, there us a thread worth a read, it's like an episode of Brookside:

>>> Ant I need you <<<

is what its called. You can find it on CUTIECHOPS space, and others smiley - whistle

That an a Bar 19 in use at the same time as this, confused? You could be.

smiley - ale ==>smiley - ale for you.

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1847

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Xian hello my ikkle puke monster, you feeling better now? smiley - hug

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1848

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)


I will in a minute...smiley - run to the loo...smiley - run...yep feeling much better thanks smiley - smiley

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1849


What a load of crap that thread is, innit? lmao

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1850

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

yes...smiley - erm

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1851

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

hiyyyaaa bryansmiley - smooch

did ya read that thread then...loony toons the lot of umsmiley - laugh

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1852

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

It's naff! But there ws some funny one liners in it, about shell suits.

I've just stuck my smiley - 2cents in aswell. I mean, why make Saturnie look right with her "dreg" remark.

I see yoome2 users as different to even LD, nevermind exLDers.

Silly getting pointed out for visiting a paticular website, but when there is a 'show' made of it, no wonder people get the wrong idea. So when we muck about in here, the FoLDers others may think we can't be serious, or have any intreast other than 'txt talk'. Which is not the case.

Now I'm turning into loup, he of the massive post, somebody please hand me a smiley - ale quick and sit me down in a nice quiet corner. smiley - tongueout

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1853

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

ere ya go cherubchops--->smiley - ale

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1854

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Oh thanks. Think I'll be off to bed soon.

smiley - ale and a smiley - stiffdrink for you.

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1855


I didnt read the whole thread...
The first few posts were enough for me lol

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1856

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Draven, that's not the best thread. Little Miss Naughty!! was named in another, lookes like a case of mistaken identety, but she is so funny in it.

Cutie, do you know what that one is called, the one with the burning shell suits?

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1857

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

yeah if u go 2my convos(pg2)....its called..LEAVE ME ALONE
its got 2b the funniest thread eversmiley - laugh

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1858

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Yea that the one!


A journal of princes-of-hearts not to be mixed up with princes-oh-hearts, even if they are the same person, or not??? Or one is Hillary and the other Marie, "but I'm not going to tell you my name" smiley - laugh

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1859


I'll read it tomorrow...
I havve laughed alot tonight lol


Howz you tonight hun...
Did you get the email i set you back? xxx

H2G2/LDers Bar: Bar Area #18

Post 1860


evenin all

andysmiley - bat

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