A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 141

Loup Dargent

simulpost...smiley - laugh

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 142

Colonel Codpiece

But for once it wasn't a confusimulpost!!

smiley - bubbly

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 143

ghia return of >>

yes please smiley - huggy hold the smiley - tomato please

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 144

Loup Dargent

ghia: jydelle was asking for you last night... manda redirected her to the right thread... the bar area... this thread... hopefully she will come back while you're around...smiley - smiley

had a look at her personal space... she should feel right at home in here...smiley - biggrin [it was a compliment by the way...smiley - smiley]

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 145

Colonel Codpiece


smiley - redwinesmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - bubbly

It's in a jug...don't suppose you'll mind!

Complimentary smiley - ant...

smiley - biggrin

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 146

ghia return of >>

smiley - bluesmiley - oj this time methinks!
delle thought i'd rustle up some custom smiley - biggrin

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 147

Reality Manipulator

Hello, I am on my own tonight, Ghia and Loup is it busy tonight? Please can I have tropical smiley - oj fruit juice with white rum smiley - stiffdrink in it please? smiley - tasmiley - smiley

I will be going to the office bar to see if I can find anyone to talk to.


The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 148

Loup Dargent

katrine: what about huggy and ghia?!...smiley - biggrin i'm sure they're around somewhere here...smiley - smiley

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 149

Loup Dargent

meant... you're not on your own...smiley - smiley

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 150

Colonel Codpiece

What's with all this drinking of fruit juice?! Get some smiley - ale down ya!smiley - laugh

smiley - oj....smiley - bubbly For the PR gal ghia.
smiley - ojsmiley - stiffdrink For the performance artist JA.

smiley - ale for the slowest barkeep in the west...

Come in here and talk to us JA!

smiley - hug

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 151

Reality Manipulator

smiley - ta for all the smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - ale and smiley - bubbly and as promised I will be doing my striptrease and it will be there will be Intergalatic Star Wars Cantina music in the background.

I am wearing a very long, tight hugging dress with a deep clevage. I am slowly taking my black gloves off one by one. Then I ask someone from the audience to help undo my zip as I have never been able to do this task on my own. Then I slowly take it off. I then go on to my basque and again need more help from the audience in undoing my laces at the back. I then slowly take if off. Then is the stockings off which are easier to take off than put on. I forget I have a garter on. I still to this day I do not know what garters are there for. I take that off before I take my suspenders off and then stockings. I am getting confused in this striptease and I am needing alot of help from the audience. I know it is cheating but at least it makes it original. smiley - smiley.

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 152

Loup Dargent

CRAAAAAASHHH!!!...smiley - bleep... the 3d camera is not working...smiley - steam

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 153

Reality Manipulator

How was at work smiley - huggy? I hope that it was not too smiley - steam. How is the weather where you are smiley - huggy and
ghia? We have the usual mix with wind, rain and sun. Have you ever found going into large supermarkets traumatic? The worst part I find is trying to find anything and then finding staff to direct you. One ploy of supermarkets is to change the layout often so when you get used to where things are you have to relearn it again. Then there is shopping trolley rage to put up with and then at the end the check out queue where there are plastic bags that you have to ope yourself and put them shopping in them and then pay the checkout operator in a few seconds.


The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 154

Loup Dargent

hope this 3D camera will be fixed for when i've built ghia's personal quarters...smiley - drool... ooooops... was this thing on?!..

smiley - blushsmiley - whistlesmiley - run

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 155

Reality Manipulator

I will do the striptease again for those who missed it. Commander Data has just come in and is giving one of his short four hour lectures on intergalatic stripteases. Captain Jean-Luc Picard is laughing and singing in some sort of intergalactic esperanto, federation of course. Threepio comes in and says Oh my and he does not have the need of emotion chips.

I will perform the striptease in a unique way by using my teleknetic powers to take my clothes off with.


The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 156


smiley - bigeyes

smiley - ale

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 157

Reality Manipulator

Loup, please can I have personal quarter built for me, I will turn in it into a TARDIS! smiley - smiley


The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 158

Colonel Codpiece

Do you think we should install a pole?...And a drain to catch loup and kow's drool?smiley - laugh

JA...You go girl!!smiley - diva

smiley - hug

smiley - yikes

smiley - stiffdrink

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 159

Loup Dargent

katrine: methinks that there will be definitely more rooms being built in the coming weeks...smiley - smiley

might need a bit of patience tho' as the building company we're using got contracts and sub-contracts all over the galaxy...smiley - biggrin

but yep... private quarters and rooms [_not_ private rooms a la LD by the way...smiley - laugh] should be possible...smiley - cool

this bar gonna be the biggest building on h2g2 it seems...smiley - wowsmiley - cool

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 160

Loup Dargent

smiley - boing?!...

what drool?!...smiley - biggrin

smiley - drool

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