A Conversation for Welsh vs Anne Robinson

A913123 - Welsh vs Anne Robinson

Post 21

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

One thing that a visitor to Wales will notice is that there is a marked difference in behaviour between North and South Wales. The South Welsh are a lot more friendly and welcoming than the North Welsh, and *don't* tend to lapse into Welsh when strangers come into the 'local shop'. This might have a lot to do with the fact that many people from the South (such as myself) can't actually speak their native language, but it probably has more to do with not giving a sick dog's dump about nationality.

There are effectively two cultures in Wales: one which views preservation of the language as the apotheosis of Welsh culture, the other which views this merely as a starting point. In the eyes of those who subscribe to the former view, Wales ceased evolving culturally when the Mabinogion was written; I subscribe to the latter view, so did R S Thomas and Dylan Thomas. If you laugh at the Welsh (rather than with them), then be discriminating and reserve your ridicule for those that really deserve it.


A913123 - Welsh vs Anne Robinson

Post 22


However interesting this topic may be, can someone move it out of PR please? The author hasn't done anything other than put this first in CWW and then here, so probably won't move it hirself. There are italics subscribed, so can one of them move it? Thanks.


A913123 - Welsh vs Anne Robinson

Post 23

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Yes, it should be moved back to entry really. Seconded.

A913123 - Welsh vs Anne Robinson

Post 24

Trout Montague

All this talk of Wales .... A960635 - Welsh Sojourn

A913123 - Welsh vs Anne Robinson

Post 25


Why is this still here? I'll send the email.


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