A Conversation for Random Quotes Guild-Lurking Where All Fine Quotes are Quoted

can i join?!!

Post 1

sane rain meanders on

yay ive got a good quote, pick me pick me! (i dont know what for but pick me anyway). anyhoos, heres the quote,
"somewhere on this globe, every ten seconds, there is a woman giving birth to a child. She must be found and stopped."
Sam Levenson
sane rain smiley - smiley

can i join?!!

Post 2


Oh! Oh!... I want to join, too... I love quotes... especially random ones!!!

Here's mine for the day:

"If the good lord had intended us to walk, he would not have invented roller skates." ~~ Willie Wonka

...And there are thousands more where that came from!

for instance, here's a classic from Dexter's Lab:

ahem... "Come back here with my head and body... I need that for things and stuff."

I'm just getting warmed up... Here's another one... I use this one quite often:

"...'And that, my leige, is how we know the earth to be banana shaped'...'This new learning amazes me. Tell me again how sheep's bladders can be employed to prevent earthquakes.'"

Thats from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (perhaps one of the best places to find a good quote)...

So, do I pass?... Can I get one of those cool badge things for My Space that says I'm a member?

~The Oracle, Knower of all things Random and Irrelevant~ smiley - witchsmiley - magic

can i join?!!

Post 3


Hello and welcome to both of you! If you would like to join I suggest you leave a quote in the conversation labeled Initiatees post here, or something like that. By doing that Darth will see you would like to join and she will add you to the list!!
Chaunceysmiley - angel

can i join?!!

Post 4


Thanks Chauncey!!!

~The Oracle~

can i join?!!

Post 5

Darth Zaphod

Thanks, you two! I'll add you to the growing list of members now!

DZsmiley - planet

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