A Conversation for Random Quotes Guild-Lurking Where All Fine Quotes are Quoted

A game anyone ?

Post 401

The Masked Ermine

Mark Twain ie Samuel Clemmens?

A game anyone ?

Post 402

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

Nope, I'm afraid not... though he is very quotable smiley - smiley


A game anyone ?

Post 403

The Masked Ermine

Ooh is it Hemmingway? THat seems to be something that he's say, or at least have the mentality to say!

A game anyone ?

Post 404

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

Sadly not, but keep going, I'm getting good ideas where to look for future quotes smiley - winkeye

clue time again....

Born in Boston 1706...


A game anyone ?

Post 405

The Masked Ermine

I'll bite and say Edgar Allen Poe, but I doubt that's right, he didn't start writing till the 1800s I think......

A game anyone ?

Post 406


is it cheating if I looked it up?

Anyway, it's Ben Franklin

smiley - dragonsnazoo

A game anyone ?

Post 407

The Masked Ermine

It can't be Franklin was born in London and immigrated here!

A game anyone ?

Post 408

The Masked Ermine

err, to the US.

A game anyone ?

Post 409

The Masked Ermine

No, snazoo's right. He was born in Boston moved to London when he eighteenish and then returned to the states later on.

A game anyone ?

Post 410

Math - Playing Devil's Advocate

Yes Snazoo's right, it's Benjamin Franklin smiley - smiley
as to looking thngs up depends how you did it imo (and i think my opinion counts for somewhat as I started the game smiley - winkeye), if you put the quote in a search engine to get the answer I would say yeah its cheating, if you looked up Benjamin Franklin, and discovered or confirmed the quote, then no its not... whatever, its your turn smiley - smiley

A game anyone ?

Post 411

The Masked Ermine

How badly are we limboed? I know that Sanzzo got it right, but did she err, well, you know or are we going on the pretense that this is legit.? I don't mean to rush, she's probably a very busy young lady. Time lords are always in the way. smiley - smiley Toodles for now.

Isane monkeys anonymous....

A game anyone ?

Post 412


sorry I took so long smiley - blush I hope it's worth it.

"Please don't disillusion me. I haven't had breakfast yet."

smiley - dragonsnazoo

A game anyone ?

Post 413

The Great Ant

oooh... thats a hard one!

A game anyone ?

Post 414

The Masked Ermine

Linus van Pelt?

A game anyone ?

Post 415


It's slightly more literary than the comics page

smiley - dragonsnazoo

A game anyone ?

Post 416


The silence is deafening! anybody want a hint?

smiley - dragonsnazoo

A game anyone ?

Post 417

The Masked Ermine

Oh I'll bite. Dear and wise Mistress Snazoo, please enlighten us with clue so that we can see the light. Due to darkness out side and in....

A game anyone ?

Post 418


genre: science fiction
author: male, american
title: four words, second and third words are little words

smiley - dragonsnazoo

A game anyone ?

Post 419

Alison (ACE)

Are the second and third words "of the"?

A game anyone ?

Post 420

The Masked Ermine

Larry Niven?

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