A Conversation for The Ukraine
Peer Review: A906815 - The Ukraine
Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar) Started conversation Jan 20, 2003
Entry: The Ukraine - A906815
Author: Atari the non-plagiarising grounded ostrich: The UnLearn'ed and Tense. (Non-GURU & Warspork) Join the Sporkites(A922835)! - U211272
I will submit this! It IS good enough!
A906815 - The Ukraine
Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman Posted Jan 21, 2003
Agreed. Could you please remove this from PR until it is finished, thanks? It looks like it's going to be a great entry, but reviewing it is a bit like walking around a building site at the moment.
A906815 - The Ukraine
Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar) Posted Jan 21, 2003
Oh dear...i've done this before, its a horrible spiral. I put it into PR, everyone says its not finished, I put it into another workshop, no-one comments, so I have to move it back to PR so people will take notice and post to it, but they say it isn't finished...
A906815 - The Ukraine
Bon Mambo Posted Jan 21, 2003
More haste less speed...
You've had lots of comment on it already, so dry your eyes, remove it from this forum, talk to your coauthors, get the entry finished, completed, done, finalised, shipshape, and presentable. Then bring it back here and take a bow.
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Peer Review: A906815 - The Ukraine
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