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Sleep is vital: 40% of adults admit that the quality of their work suffers when they're sleepy,68% say their ability to concentrate is diminished by sleepiness, 19% report making some mistakes and errors due to sleepiness and Sleepy drivers cause approximately 100,000 car crashes annually.


Some noises are good (eg. the gently drumming rain) and some noises are bad (eg. animals drinking from gravity fed water bottle in a rattly metal cage), ensure that only the good noises surround you.

Light is a tough one, personally I don't mind it, as long as it isn't hot sunlight, but the moonlight filtering through the blind slats is, I feel condusant to a good night's sleep. The humidity of the air is another important factor: During winter it is best to keep the window shut during the night or it will be very dry and you may wake up with a sore throat. I you insist on keeping the window open then you may want a more glutinous drink than water to keep the moisture in your gullet, eg. Milk with honey or a squash.

Preparation of Sleeping Area

The bed or other sleeping surface must not be squishy or uneven, dust off crumbs as they are scratchy and irritating.

Ensure that you have at least three layers of bed clothing, suited to the climate in order to provide various temperature options eg. Duvet and two blankets for winter, or during summer a thin duvet and two sheets. There is nothing worse than a night spent too hot or too cold. Another very important factor is keeping the weight of the sheets even. Make sure the sheets are spread evenly or you will risk coldness in some areas, and the discomfort of uneven weight.

The pillow should not be too fat or big, a wide pillow reduces the amount of space for the rest of your body.

You Will Need

In addition to some form of sleeping surface you will need the following items: Source of water, clock, tissues, easy access to the toilets and something cold eg. rock. These are vital for when you're thirsty, are worried about the time, have got a runny nose, need the loo, and are a little hot or need something to focus on.

Pyjamas: Dont bother, they'll stop you from moving freely and feeling the sheets. Stick with your birthday suite, unless you share a room or are sleeping round someone elses house.

Comfortable Sleeping Positions

I tend to lean towards the right as a sleeper, this may have something to do with the fact that I am right handed, or that I feel more secure facing the wall.

Back: Keep your right leg straight and bring up your left leg a little, rest your head on the right side and allow your left arm to drape across your chest.

Side: Keep right leg straight and bring your left leg right up, tuck your shoulder into the pillow and tuck your left hand under the pillow in front of you so it's under the pillow under your head. Your left knee may touch your left elbow, let your right arm roam free.

Front: Lie on your front with both hands under your pillow and let your head rest on top, leaning either way depending on how your neck feels, I usually face right, this is the only position in which I do so.

Waking Up

Never have a loud alarm clock noise unless you are a very strong sleeper, music is better as it persuades you awake gently, allowing you to remember dreams, as opposed to rattling you awake.

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