Hold still, I think I hear a waltz...

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The New New blob

Escape Pod Dreams #6

There comes a time in every young girl's life when she must deal with the impinging likelihood that she is a woman.
This is not one of those times.
The holidays are upon us, or just around the corner, or... there's another phrase, having to do with kumquats, isn't there?

Here, at Irritating Public Radio, Your Friends In The Air, we try to celebrate with our employees as much as we can, as long as it doesn't contact or impact our regular broadcast day. Of course, we don't expect you to waste much of your joyous season listening to us, but do us a favor and have us switched on in the background, in the kitchen, or in the guest bedroom. You can wear a bit of cotton in each ear, but don't tell your guests. We can positively guarantee they won't want to spend a moment longer than they have to in your house, once they've heard the bitter tones of the folks who'll have to work Christmas day at the IPR continuity office...

In the meantime, enjoy our regular blend of humour, testiness and arubica until that joyous occasion, and, remember, even if you aren't listening, we're thinking about you... particularly Jane, in Islington...we got the letter from the Court, but we haven't opened it yet... we want to save it for a special occasion.

Arrivals and Departures

1. 8:57 AM

The Dimwit Zone: The Case of the Laughing Horse
by Wrong, said Fred

2. 9:57 AM

How do they get that great big Genie in that itty bitty can?
by Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

3. 10:57 AM

The Homely Homily: This Week, Patriarch Stavros Peridontas
by Tiny Doubt at the Wedding Rehearsal

4. 11:57 AM

"Eh, what was that?" This week, with the lead singer of Coroner.
by Ramona, the floating fish, smiling despite it all (now, with sugar coating)

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