The Dimwit Zone: Case of the Laughing Horse

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There are many things that can confuse an intelligent person. Among them might be the curious way in which food packaging, which is supposedly designed to appeal to the illiterate buyer, seems to believe that photographing food as if it were Barbara Stanwyck in a Thirtie's Thriller will do the trick. I, personally, would wonder if the company was solvent enough to afford a new photo or a better press job on their box or label.
Another think that might confuse the intelligent is the way old movies and books portrayed the original inhabitants, or the earliest inhabitants of the continents currently overrun with white English-speakers. Genetic memory alone should indicate that the cleverness, if not the defensive capabilities, of the First Nations should be entitled to some small acknowledgement. Yet, the habit of giving an almost, but not quite intelligent white man a native sidekick has not completely left us alone.
Tonight, we enter a side door to the Dimwit Zone called "The Case of the Laughing Horse."

From out of the wild wastes of the west comes a pounding of hooves, a jingle of spurs, and the lusty voice of a powerful but just man giving cry:

Tex: Where's the road?

Announcer: And, in reply, we hear the voice of a trusted native companion:

Fido: Let me put my ear to the ground.

SFX: a loud thumping sound

Tex: Yer supposed to get off the horse first!

Fido: Ugh! I think yer right.

Tex: Do you hear anything?

Fido: Yep.

Tex: What?

Fido: I think my hoss is laughing....

Ann: Meanwhile, in a nearby town, a fight is brewing.

Lem: That lady killed my hoss! She put sumthin' evil down it's throat and made it sicker than it wuz. Let's lynch her!

Woman's voice: Now, just wait a minute. I was trying a last ditch cure. That horse was already dying. I thought it couldn't hurt to try one last thing.

Man's voice: Well, Lem, you gotta admit. That horse died with a smile on it's face.

Lem: That's true, but Eye-uh think he'd would've lived a mite longer if'n she'd a left him be. Eye-uh wasuh prayin' fer 'im. She didn't like that. Eye-uh think she's a divil!

Woman's voice: I am a college-trained doctor. I've never been so ashamed to be an American as I am at this moment.

Man's voice: I thought you were an Yankee?

Lem: That's wot she is! An' she kilt a hoss whose pappy fit in the great war betwixt the states. You jist watch. If'n we let her live, she'll git yer hosses, too!

Man's voice: Look, Dr. Honeydew, I think it'd be best for all if we put you in the jail for the night, just for safety.

Dr. Honeydew(previously Woman's Voice): Whose? Mine or your silly unbred horse's?

Man's Voice: I don't know that that's worth answering. Come along, now.

Ann: Meanwhile, back on the trail:

Tex: Well, what do you think? Think we'll get to sleep in a bed tonight?

Fido: Ugh! You wantum fortune teller or guide?

Tex: Why are you talking like that?

Fido: Um, hurtum jaw.

Tex: Oh. So, which way is town?

Fido: Mightum be over thereum, whereum da lights beum.

Tex: Oh, I thought those were stars!

Fido: Been on thisum planet long?

Tex: What was that?

Fido: Justum pain.

Tex: Oh.

Fido: Stupid white man.

Tex: Huh?

Fido: Pain.

Tex: I'm sorry.

Fido: Youum sure are.

Tex: Thank you.

Fido: Less go. I needum painkiller.

Tex: Okay. But I'm tired of buying liquor for you. I might get caught some day. That would be embarrassing.

Fido: Notum as embarrassing as a Norwegian actor stuck playing an Indian sidekick...

Tex: What was that?

Fido: Moreum pain.

Tex: I think I been out in the sun too long...

Fido: What giveum that idea?

Tex: I keep imagining I'm hearing things.

Fido: Imaginationum notum thatum good.

Tex: I didn't think so. C'mon, Fido, let's go to town.

Fido: I hateum town. Always makeum fun of me and this stupid outfit...

Ann: Meanwhile, back in town:

Man's voice: Now, my horse is dead!

SFX: loud thumping sound, like body on dirt.

Another Woman's voice: And mine!

All: Let's lynch the doctor!

Man's voice: But, she's in the jail!

Another Woman's voice: The easier to find her, my dears, heh, heh, heh!

Man's voice: And she was no where around when it happened!

Another woman's voice: Yeah, but it will make us feel safer and rid the world of one more Vassar graduate!

Man's voice: You gotta point, there! Let's lynch the doctor!

Ann: Meanwhile, back on the trail...

Fido: Lookum, torch parade!

Tex: Aw, who told them I was coming?

Fido: Look, men carryum rope!

Tex: Uh, can't we just camp out tonight?

Fido: Lookum! Pull lady out of that jailum!

Tex: Oooh, we can'tum have that! Let's put a stop to it! She has to be innocent.

Fido: Howum figure?

Tex: I can see her Sigma Phi pin twinkling in the torch light. Rustics like these can never appreciate the actions of a civilized person like that!

Fido: Hearum about them fraternities and such at SMU. Ya'llum make Torquemada lookum like girl scoutum.

Tex: You went to college?

Fido: Yeppum. Jim Thorpe Memorial Scholarship.

Tex: Whaddya major in?

Fido: Yooum don't wantum know.

Tex: Ah, sure I do. C'mon!

Fido: All rightum, don't tellum.

Tex: You gottum.

Fido: Drama.

Tex: Huh?

Fido: Forget um.

Tex: Look, they're tying the knot!

Fido: Oh'um, okay. Giddum up, Bronco!

Tex: Hi-yo! Cleveland! And away!

Ann: And so, in a few seconds, our heroes face the townspeople:

Tex: Let her go!

Fido: Lettum girl go!

Man: If we do, we can't let this good rope go to waste. We cut it special for this occasion. We'll have to hang one of you.

Fido: Him!

Tex: Now, cut that out!

Dr. Honeydew: Carry on, good people. I'd rather die than be rescued by these two bumpkins.

Fido: Letum lady hang.

Tex: But, look at this!

Dr. Honeydew: A Delta Chi pin! Oh, thank you, God!

Fido: She needum glasses.

Dr. Honeydew: I've always dreamed of being rescued by a Delta Chi man. So, save me!

Ann: Meanwhile, in the back of Fido's mind, a thought is forming.

SFX: Paper bag being blown up and popped.

Fido: Sayum! Why you folks hamgum lady?

Man: Why you talk that way?

Fido: Hurt jaw.

Tex: Fell off his horse.

Fido: Shutum up. Why hangum lady?

Lem: She killed my horse!

Man: And my horse just died!

Woman: And mine!

SFX: Sound of body hitting dirt

Fido (muffled): Andum mine! Gettum off me!

Woman: And she doesn't even have to touch em, see! All she gotta do is look at em! Let's lynch the wench!

Lem: Did she say mensch?

Man: No. Wench. Wench.

Lem: Lunch?

Man: Okay. You buy.

Woman: I'm hungry, too.

All: So'um am I. Let's go eat!

SFX: Multitude going away.

Tex: Well, we did it again.

Fido: Whatum?

Tex: Saved the day.

Fido: Just reprievum. Gotta solve mystery.

Tex: What mystery?

Fido: Why I ain't gottum your part.

Dr. Honeydew: What's he say?

Tex: Nevermind him, he's in pain.

Dr. Honeydew: Get me down from here and I'll help him. I'm a doctor.

Fido: I thoughtum you veterinarian?

Dr. Honeydew: Oh, no, I'm a full-fledged GP.

Fido: Then whyum work on horses?

Dr. Honeydew: Have you smelled the people around here?

Fido: Gottum point. Wait untilum get whiff of Stoned Ranger, hereum.

Tex: That's not funny. I only tested it to see if it was safe for Cleveland.

Dr. Honeydew: Cleveland?

Fido: Bloodbrother and horse. Namum that because horseum back is like city. Never really appreciateum until leave.

Tex: Now, cut that out!

Dr. Honeydew: Well, let's go see if we can find some clues.

Tex: I haven't got one.

Fido: Don't knowum half of it.

Dr. Honeydew: I just don't know where to begin.

Tex: Show us the bodies.

Dr. Honeydew: Ugh! Do I have to?

Fido: Itsum either that or keepum stealing my lines.

Dr. Honeydew: Well, here is your friend's horse, uh...

Fido: Bronco.

Dr. Honeydew: Bronco. He seems to just have keeled over.

Fido: Thereum Freudian insight. Horse keeled, all rightum.

Dr. Honeydew: Now, cut that out!

Tex: Not a mark on him except for this strange tattoo on his forehead.

Dr. Honeydew: Horses don't have foreheads.

Fido: Whatum tattoo? Bronco no have tattoo! Whatum say?

Tex: It says, "Page eight, Bronco dies."

Fido: No makeum sense! Witchcraft?

Dr. Honeydew: Look, this horse has a similar tattoo!

Tex: And this one!

Fido: Something funnyum going' onum!

Tex: Yeah, like where do you get a typewriter that'll write on a horse?

Ann: Meanwhile, in the...

Fido: Heyum! You! There! C'mereum!

Ann: Who? Me?

Fido: Yeppum. What um you sayum over there? You castum hex on hosses?

Ann: Oh, no. I'm a radio announcer. I was just...

Fido: Gottum college?

Ann: Why, yes, majored in Communications.

Fido: Pledge?

Ann: Every time the University telegraph station begs...

Fido: No-um. Sororitiesum.

Ann: No.

Fido: Marryum me.

Ann: Does he always talk like this?

Tex: He fell off his horse.

Dr. Honeydew: An announcer! So, there must be a write somewhere!

Tex: Yes! And he's killing the horses by writing them out of the show!

Fido: No dungum, Dupin?

Ann: I don't know anything about it. There was nothing about it in rehearsal.

SFX: Horse death noise

Dr. Honeydew: Hey! Look over there, another horse just died!

Fido: Ouchum! Don't um step onum head!

Dr. Honeydew: What on earthum are you doing?

Fido: Listening byum earum. Shutum up, I hearum something!

SFX: silence, not a cricket...or a sausage

Fido: It'sum typewriter, over thereum!

Tex: He knows we've seen him! He's running!

Fido: Me shootum in hand!

SFX: Gunfire, once

Dr. Honeydew: Not that hand, the other one, the one he types with!

SFX: more gunfire

Tex: You gottum!

Fido: Let's goum question 'im!

Tex: Okayum.

Fido: Now, cutum that outum!

Ann: Meanwhile, in the venal system of the writer's hand...

Tex: Oh, shut up!

Dr. Honeydew: Now, Mr. Writer, what are you killing all the horses?

Writer: Owwwwwwww! (deep breath) Owwwwwww!

Fido: Bigum baby. Whyum killum horsum?

Writer: Owwwwwww!

Fido: Stopum or I'll kickum hand.

Writer: Noooo! I'll talk.

Dr. Honeydew: Okay, why?

Writer: The price of fresh coconuts.

Dr. Honeydew: Okay, kickum.

Fido: I warnum about stealum lines.

SFX: Gunfire, sound of body falling

Tex: Was that shot really necessary?

Fido: Whatum about coconuts?

Writer: Well, you can't have horses on radio without coconuts and out special effects people demand fresh ones. Owwww!

Fido: So-um, to summarizum, the priceum goum up and the network too cheapum to pay?

Writer: Owww! Yes!

Tex: So, you kill poor innocent horses to save money? I'll finish you off myself!

Fido: No! Waitum a minute! Whyum no kill Cleveland?

Writer: Only enough budget to pay for one coconut. Cleveland star's horse, so, owwww, not killed.

Fido: Thats what you thinkum.

SFX: Gunfire, followed by horse death noise

Tex: Why'd you do that?

Fido: In painum. Trigger fingerum twitch.

Tex: Well, mine's a mite itchy about now, too.

Fido: Gun empty.

Tex: You stole my ammo?

Fido: No-um, producers not trustum.

Tex: But they trust you? That's it, I quit. That's too much, not trusting the star.

Fido: Byum. Tune-um in next week, as our hero, Fido, takes on...

SFX: Voluminous gunfire, body hitting dirt sound

Tex: Haha! I went back in the script and gathered up all your bullets!

Fido (dying): Exceptum this one!

SFX: Gunshot, body noise

Ann: Tune in next week when a completely different show will be broadcast. Good evening and thanks from the folks at Irritating Public Radio, Your Friends In The Air.

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