CAC - 05.12.02
Created | Updated Dec 4, 2002

"We put the CAC in AggGagCAC."
Fiction Weird Science
First/Personals Satire
Kitchen Syncronicities
by the cancellation of Farscape may find solace at
The Farscape Appreciation Society
With no furrier adieu, the Committee for Alien Content
invites youto enjoy this week's selection of works by
Darth Zaphod, Unknown Hiker, Mind Me and White Rabbit,
with special guest
Θεανθροπη AKA Graveporn AKA il viaggiatore.
Sometimes we discover new talent, new writers experimenting with new forms. Here, a well known h2g2 hiker disguised in a new identity as an Unknown Hiker, experiments with the language.
It is a very small universe that only holds dogs, old boots and strawberries but this quirky juxtaposition challenges all our assumptions about these things and it leaves us wondering about how they really stomp the grapes at the winery.Strawberry Boots and Dead Dogs by Unknown Hiker
Mind Me has begun a series called "The Conspiracy Primer". Each of the entries features a different flaw in our modern world. This one struck us as perhaps the easiest way to ease yourself into this Researcher's fascinating and complex view of the world ...once you get past all the Biblical stuff at the top.
Devil In A Blue Helmet one of a series by Mind Me
Once again we are pleased to offer a short story from Darth Zaphod.
Here she creates a character sketch, a political cartoon that shows thugs and villains for what they are, thugs and villains.There is no glamour and no honour in the underworld of slease and crime. These are simply ignorant creatures who operate in a world of greed and violence.
Borris by Darth Zaphod
__________________________________________________________And may we introduce a guest editor!
He calls himself Θεανθροπη AKA Graveporn AKA il viaggiatore and he offers this introduction to his selection:
It is a testament to the profundity of the human condition that no single opus can ever fully describe it. Some have come close. Dante's Divine Comedy provides as near a whole picture of the spiritual map of humanity as can be imagined, and Michelangelo's Pieta' echoes the latent emotion in all our hearts. But these works are ultimately limited in what they can express; they may speak volumes, but they don't tell the whole story. There is a side of humanity so dark and unwholesome that often goes ignored or is swept under the rug, so that even artists fear to represent it. Kafka and Camus have attempted to do so in literature, and heavy metal bands in music, but there remains much to be explored in this vein.
The short work of fiction we present to you today however, comes so close to the Truth that perhaps we fear to share it with you. The unfettered nihilism, the apocalyptic grandeur recounted therein may frighten the weaker-hearted...'Umbrellas' by White Rabbit
Please enjoy all these selections over the coming days.
And watch this space next week for more CAC approved entries.
On behalf of the Committee for Alien Content,
"42 may be the answer, but we believe there are still questions to be asked."