The Farscape Appreciation Society
Created | Updated Jul 25, 2013
Farscape Appreciation Society |
This is the place to rave about and discuss the characters, the storylines, letch over Crichton, {either of them} whatever.
I'll be posting some links to places which would be of interest also and I hope if you find some good sites you'll let me know so I can link to them too.
Men to drool over
Farscape - a positive opinion
BBC Cult/Farscape
Farscape news
Farscape weekly
Video + DVD's
Farscape Fantasy
The Pilot Zone
The Official Virginia Hey website
The Tourist's Guide
The series
Thank you.
Farscape Appreciation Society MembersMinaBluebottleCrescentGalaxy BabeSho~jwf~SpockPlastic SquirrelachrisfoxCybercatChris ChapmanReika The Librarianesoteric epigramNorm de p'LoomThe_Hopeful_HitchhikerGeggsrockratWuytvandriverwildcat58The code for this listThe code for Volunteer lists