The Immortals - Realms Of The Gods By Tamora Pierce

6 Conversations

Tamora Pierce has written approximately twenty books - of which I have read nine. All of them seem to be about heroines, all of whom live in various faux-medieval worlds - girls who struggle to get accepted in whatever field of human endeavour they get themselves involved in - and then they excell in that field, doing better than people who have worked in that field for longer (This is the first thing wrong with the books - it's unrealistic but bearable - a minor problem).

Often, when the girls become teenagers, they develop an attraction to one of the men in their life, often a man they showed no hint of an attraction to previously, and often that man is older than them - if only by two years.

But now to Realms of the Gods and the rest of the Immortals series.

The Immortals series is about a thirteen year old girl called Veralidaine Sarrasri - known as Daine. She has a rare power called "Wild Magic" which lets her talk to animals. Later on she develops the power to transform into any animal she chooses, whenever she likes.

She used to live in the town of Snowsdale, in a small state called Maren, with her mother and grandfather. she never meets her father was until the fourth (and last) book, and didn't even know who he was until the third.

All this was until her mother was killed and her home destroyed by bandits. After that she goes feral and runs with a wolf pack for a while. During this time she and the pack hunt down and kill the bandits and then her town disown her. All this happens not long before the start of the series.

A kind American- I mean Tortallan, a woman called Onua, comes to Snowsdale to buy this year's ponies for the new recruits to the Queen's Riders. Onua hires her to help with the ponies.

Onua takes her to America- I mean Tortall and on the way they meet the Mage Numair Salmalin, who is in his early thirties. He decides to become her teacher in her "Wild Magic", even though he just has the normal, magical "Gift".

The second book is about Daine and Numair foiling an attempt to overthrow the king and queen. The third is aboutthem going to Carthak to negotiate a treaty.

But now to Realms Of The Gods.

First of all, the start of the book - it describes when the barrier between the Divine Realms (the Realms Of The Gods) and the Mortal realms (our world - the one with Tortall) breaks. Everyone with any type of magic can feel it, and Daine thinks, "maybe I should get up and dressed." (As she is asleep in bed when it happens.)

Then she and Numair are despatched to deal with these things called "Skinners" - anything they touch dies. Here, we have an awesome opportunity for awesome drama, but unfortunately this part of the book is too short for any real development of what could be an exciting sub-plot.

Then Daine and Numair get pulled into the Divine Realms where they play Happy Families with Daine's mother, who we learn has become a goddess, the Green Lady, and Daine's father, the god of the hunt, Weiryn. We learn that Daine's Da petitioned the great gods tho make Daine's Ma a goddess, so they could be together. Throughout these chapters daine continuously promises her mother that she will come back and stay with them.

Soon Daine and Numair decide they have to get back to wartorn Tortall (alot of evil Immortals come through and help the Stormwing Ozorne attack Tortall).

Before they leave Weiryn gives them a map of the Divine Realms and warns them of all the dangers of the Divine Realms (for example Long Drop Gorge (!)), which Ms Pierce fails to bring out the full potential of.

After one pseudo-danger, Daine and the execrable Numair Salmalin start displaying physical intimacy. This is perhaps not the most appropriate relationship, seeing as Numair is somewhere around twice Daine's age. A warning, it may offend you.

Soon, they get to the Dragonlands (!) and suffer political machinations for a while before getting taken back to wartorn Tortall.

Following an anticlimactic battle in which the forces of good (Tortall) prevail and Daine goes off to fight (and kill - how American. What did he do to her? Nothing) the Stormwing Ozorne. She succeeds despite several pseudo-problems.

Daine gets pulled into the Divine Realms again, this time to decide where she will live - in the Divine Realms with her family or in the Mortal Realms. This is almost no contest for her, she doesn't feel much loyalty to her mother, only the desire not to break a promise. She decides to stay in the Mortal Realms.

After being reunited with Numair, he and Daine display some more age-innapropriate physical intimacy, and Daine refuses to marry him. Again, if you are offended by adult men having relationships with teenage girls, brace yourself for this part.

<star><star><star><star><star> A perfect book. get it now!
<star><star><star><star> Very good, but flawed.
<star><star><star> Still good despite MAJOR problems.
<star><star> Below average. It has tainted my innocent mind.
<star> Buy every copy you can find AND BURN THEM to save the human race from it!!!

The Immortals - Realms Of The Gods By Tamora Pierce gets <star> and ½.

I was very disappionted, I somuch wanted to like the book, as All the other Tamora Pierce books are <star><star><star><star> material, at least.

This book does have one redeeming feature, though - Despite the fact that you know what's going to happen, it keeps you at the edge of your seat the whole time - well, not the whole time, only a little, but when it does it makes up for the mediocreness of the rest.

Daine, for a start, is not the best caracter to use for a heroine. She is arrogant, selfrighteous and she expects people to know and think things that logically they shouldn't. for example, she hears people say that a (genuinely dangerous) animal is dangerous, and she gets arrogant, selfrighteous and angry, insulting those people's family and intelligence, saying "it's just misunderstood". she expects people to ignore years of experience and completely channge their views, just because one specimen of the species failed to kill Daine.

There's no one to like in this book - all the other characters are just as two-dimensional as cardboard.

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