AI Rest My Case

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AI Rest My Case

This composite image of a lawyer and a witness, both with laptops for heads, was NOT produced by an AI, but by the Post Editor using montaging tools. The basic image was taken from the Library of Congress and is public domain.

Twenty-three eyes followed her as she paced slowly before the jury. (The guy with the eye-patch swivelled in his seat, determined not to miss a second of her summing up.)

She stopped directly in front of him (whether by chance or to spare him the cricked neck only she knew) and took a breath. Eyes locking onto each of the jurors, pleading yet defiant.

Her left hand pointed behind her, perfectly picking out the two men at the desk.

'The prosecution, my very learned colleagues, have presented you with their version of the facts, their evidence, their opinions as to the alleged guilt of my client.

'Very persuasive arguments, they've painted a picture in your minds of the dreadful events of that dreadful night.'

She paused, closing her eyes, shaking her head sadly as though reliving the pain of the victims.

'But those pictures in your mind are simply an artist's impression, no matter how vividly painted. Merely one person's view of the scene. I ask you all, step to one side in your mind's eye, see how the picture changes from a different angle, a different perspective?'

The second she saw those twenty-three eyes close, saw the concentration on their faces, Anne-Marie Wilkinson knew she'd won yet another trial.

Six minutes later, she touched the spot just above her right ear, the Courtroom vanished, Marvin lay on his couch, the dim light in his flat telling him he'd been Inside longer than he'd thought. The case had dragged on a little. His opponent had thrown him a few curveballs, but nothing a Level 23 couldn't deal with.

The display on his retina agreed, over sixty million subscriber clicks ahead. Another clear victory for the foxy redheaded AMW. Another few thousand dollars in sponsorship for his account.

The alert confirmed his victory, Anne-Maries's victory, had already been entered in Archibalds as an AI augmented Stated Case. British Legal websites were already discussing the brilliance of the young King's Counsel's latest triumph.

Marvin touched the pad embedded in his skull, snoozing the AI implant, determined to grab an hour's sleep before his next gig, the Supreme Court of Missouri in Jefferson City.

Charles Bennett, the aging African American prosecuting attorney, needed one more win to level up.

Council for the Defence was some young hotshot from Estonia, but up-and-coming teenagers never bothered Marvin. Easy money as far as he was concerned. No match for the likes of his Bennett or his AMW!

Marvin nodded off whilst practicing Bennett's opening argument. The AI logging his crude thoughts, honing the fanciful ideas into perfect legal rhetoric.

Six weeks later Marvin tutted as the alert interrupted his favourite TV quiz show.

MoJ#22: Case 163468/32

R vs Acer. Supreme Court docket. Murder. Ms. A. Wilkinson K.C. Instructed for defence. F.O. to liaise, accused British national. Case notes attached. Immediate action required.

Marvin blinked, pausing the gaudily coloured wheel on his display; his quiz would have to wait. Touching his head, Anne- Marie began to scan the Foreign Office reports.


DoJ#3976: Case 163468/32

R vs Acer. Supreme Court docket. Homicide 1. C. Bennett instructed Att for Prosecution. Case Files attached. Immediate action required.

AMW blinked out. Marvin re-read the alert. Surely a hoax – the Estonian lad playing some wild prank on him? Kid wasn't happy with his defeat in Missouri.

AMW01:Case 163468/32

R vs Acer. Clarification requested. Jurisdiction issues. U.S/U.K oversight. Admin error?
MoJ#22: Case 163468/32

R vs Acer. Clarification. No error found. Crime on U.S soil. Embassy building, London U.K. Accused British citizen. Victim U.S. official. Supreme Court dispensation for international co-operation at Trial.

Marvin touched the pad above his ear, shutting off the AI implant, and went back to watching his show.

After all, there was no way on God's green earth that Marvin could ever win an argument with himself!

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