Political Limericks

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A tip from Paulh on how to keep family gatherings civil.

Political Limericks

Corbally  Naas Canal. It's in Limerick.

When my family gathers for holidays and birthdays, we agree not to discuss politics unless we can make limericks about it. Here are three that I brought to our recent Christmas gathering:

There once was a felon named Trump,

Who turned what he touched to a dump.

His bridges he burned,

But to power returned.

His base contains many a chump.

With Biden the economy boomed.

The job cont and GDP zoomed.

He showed grit and pluck,

But now it's our luck

To wonder, with Trump are we doomed?

Are tariffs the answer, you wonder?

Economists all seem to thunder

That our great nation

Will face fierce inflation.

If so, tariffs are a great blunder.
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