A Famous Shed

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A Famous Shed

This one is famous because it was used as a base by a TV presenter called Monty Halls1 (see Hebridean Escape by him).

By the way, we had a local driving school pass us on the road. It had 'Isle Drive' written on the bonnet.

To prove I visited, I of course managed to lock the yale so no one can get in (hopefully the owner has a key).
A shed in North Uist by Paigetheoracle
Paigetheoracle Archive


25.11.24 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Our correspondent at first wrote 'Monty Hall', which puzzled the Editor very much. For North Americans: this Monty Halls person is some sort of outdoor type and not related to the Canadian game show host who gave us Let's Make a Deal, with its now-famous probability puzzle.

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