The h2g2 Post 11.11.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 11th November 2024

This week's title is Things Old and New. Clockwise from upper left: two Welsh Cobb ponies running in a field, a bearded reedling on a perch staring suspiciously at the camera, Adgestone Vineyards' car decorated with flames to advertise their hot sauce, twilight exterior of The Old Trip to Jerusalem in Nottingham, which claims to be the oldest pub in England, a bumblebee on a pink snapdragon, a yellow leaf with delicate green edging, a white horse running in the mountains in Wales, its mane reflected by the sunlight coming from between clouds, and the Mad Hatter's Tea Party reenacted in knitted form on top of a postbox in East Cowes, Isle of Wight.

Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old.

– Matthew 13:52, Authorised Version

The reason for the title and ancient quote is that this is what your resident householder, aka the Post Editor, has done this week. We're still sneaking Content back in from where those internet barbarians vandalised our site a couple of years ago. I do not forget, and some of these pictures and stories are too good to let go of. Which is why you are seeing some nice horsies, a bumblebee, and some architecture that may look familiar if you have a really good memory.

I found a short story by Paulh in storage, with cats and literature in it. I decided to bring it back as part of our new short-story writing project. I've written a new one, also literary, but without cats and possibly more offensive to a certain fandom. You can read them both in this issue: old and new.

An old friend is back this week: Ben Moore is here with an update on the situation for carers in the UK. Things aren't looking too good, and he has some thoughts about it, and a plan which you'll want to know about. Stop in and say hi.

We have world travel, too. Willem brings us photos from two outings in South Africa. Robbie was in Nicosia, Cyprus, and saw some history, so you get that.

FWR shows us the oldest pub in England. Which oldest pub in England, you may well ask. The one in Nottingham. Lots of carefully demarcated doubt and uncertainty here, but it's a pretty building and we're sure the beer is good.

Speaking of nice things to drink, Bluebottle introduces you to the blue wine of the exotic Isle of Wight. You can virtually sip some while appreciating the latest yarnbombing event in East Cowes. Haven't had enough of the IoW yet? Catch the latest installment of 'The Church Fete', where the tension is about to kill us this close to the end.

Elephants feature largely in this issue. So do horses and ponies. A bearded reedling gives us the evil eye. Birds fly and swim, leaves changes colour, and nature peeks out at you on all sides. Not tired yet? Awix tells you about cinema, and I explain some typesetting history.

Read, please. Comment, we ask politely. Share with your online friends, nous vous en prie. Have a great week out there and don't forget your mobile cameras.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for Life in Potentia, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Trio of Tales, Paulh's new book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
[at the end of yoga class right after the teacher expresses that the spark of divinity in her soul recognizes the spark of divinity in yours] 'Namaste, memberships are on sale 20% this week.'

– lukelukeluke on Bluesky

A poet selling his typed work on a street corner.

November-to-November Create Writing Challenge:
Short and Sweet

Video Extra:
Not Ready for His Closeup
Click here in Ripley

South African Outings

Beacon Rocks, by Willem.



Adgestone Vineyard

Blue wine, by Bluebottle.


Mystery Insect
Mystery insect, by Paigetheoracle.

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