The h2g2 Post 02.09.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 2nd September 2024

This week's title is Up Close and Personal. Clockwise from upper left: a green-backed fly on a piece of paper, the balcony of Liechtenstein Castle, a park bench in Southampt that is enclosed in a chain-link fence cage, a dragonfly sitting on a wooden bench, a stand of tall Douglas firs in Scotland, an orange-and-white cat lying blissfully on a blue denim jacket, a fluffy-tails squirrel raiding the foot of a bird feeder, a greenfinch, and a dragonfly in flight against a green background.

This week, our photographers get up close and personal with the smaller living things. Willem's still dashing about, but he sends us some glimpses of South Africa's varied wildlife. Some of it is in the witness protection programme, so he can't even tell you where it is, just that it's on this planet.

Dragonflies are everywhere in the UK: SashaQ caught a glimpse of one in flight, while Paigetheoracle rejoiced that one sat still for its portrait. There's a cool fly. There are birds you don't see every day. One was fashionable and showed up at Wimbledon. Yes, h2g2 is where you go if you're likely to be at Wimbledon and say, 'Hey, isn't that a wagtail?'

Humans are doing weird things, too, like putting up funny signs. The human oddities aren't all in the present, either: Tavaron notices the past. Check out this cool castle.

Our continuing series of nationalistic clouds. . . continues. This week: Austria. It's sort of like cloud Olympics.

Paigetheoracle has discovered some tall trees. We have video. I stuck closer to home and have a sneaky picture I took of TJ the kitty asleep. He's good when he's sleeping. Right now, he's hindering progress on the Post by blocking my access to the mouse. It's hard to get mad at him because he has a really loud purr.

There are, of course, ongoing stories. What happens when the Gheorghenis hear a burglar? (They are delighted, naturally.) Where are Robyn Hoodie and her friends going, and how do they get there? (You will relate.) What adventures await the space colonists in Sea of Grass? You'll have to read to find out. Note: this week will mark the LAST episode of Sea of Grass this season. The series will pick up again next year. This will give you time to catch up by reading the backlog.

There is humour, and cinema, and more nutty politics from me. Please explore these pages. People went out and had experiences just for you.

Have a great week out there! And kids: cut the teachers some slack. They didn't want to come back from holiday, either.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for The Building, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
Never skip the footnotes – it's here you find out who made the author angry enough to write the article.

Neil Renic

Bridge and church in Brookville, PA.

September 2024 Create Challenge:
To Everything There Is a Season

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I Won, I Won!
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Mahela and Undisclosed Locations



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A Rude Awakening

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