Video: The Organ

1 Conversation

The Organ

A ghost at the ghost of the organ.

They've buried the organ inside the church.

Taken away the console.

No more dancing over the pedals.

No more dodging that stuck pipe.

She was long past her prime,

Time for the old lady to retire.

Now the rafters echo with Yamaha sounds,

Shiny new piano,

Rhythmic drums.

Nobody knows what a diapason is, anyway.

But I suspect

When the courthouse tower strikes midnight

A friendly ghost organist who knows

Those pipes are still in there

Strikes up a chorus of 'Blest Be the Tie'

To be heard, somewhere.

To hear the ghostly organ click on this link or watch it in your Pliny skin.

Dmitri Gheorgheni Archive


02.10.23 Front Page

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