Sometimes, folks, it just all comes together for an editor: amazing stories, rib-tickling humour, and astonishing photography. This is one of those weeks. Before I tell you about it, I'd like to let any new readers in on what it is we do here, exactly.
You know how your usual online outlets have an agenda? Sure you do. They're trying to convince you that their point of view is the right one. They want you to look at the world the way their owners do: to buy their products, espouse their causes, look favourably upon the oligarchs who have taken them over and turned them from news providers to shills for the 1%. We don't do any of that.
Okay, we do have a tiny bit of shameless commerce downpage. I'm trying to flog a book. If you buy it h2g2 gets to split the money with Lulu. And I'd really love it if some reader would leave a review. Even if the review is says, 'This book is terrible.' End of commercial.
Here's what we actually do: we collect stories and pictures from where we are. And we're all in different parts of the world. We come in a variety of ages and backgrounds, too. We have had a wide array of experiences. We think to ourselves in different languages. Even the English speakers have different languages. What we do with what we see, hear, and find out is share it – from our own points of view, unapologetically but with the understanding that we respect each other. Our pooled knowledge is far greater than what any one of us alone could achieve. Each of us learns from the others. All are blessed.
Also, we all get a laugh out of this crazy planet of ours.
What is exotic to one is commonplace to another. You eat what? You saw what in your garden? There's lots to share this week, and some of it will take your breath away. Here's a quick rundown.
- Willem and his friends have been exploring in the Potlake Nature Reserve. However you just pronounced that in your head? Wrong – unless you're South African and knew to say 'po-tlah-ke'. See the photoessay to discover some plants you've never heard of before.
- FWR's son and his girlfriend jumped off Babadag (this is a mountain) in Turkey. They weren't fools: they used a parasail. Get this, folks: They took pictures! And we're going to show them to you. What a ride.
- FWR stayed on the ground, mostly, finding some goats to look at. But there was this boat going into a water cave you'll be interested to see.
- Meanwhile, on another sea, Bluebottle was finding out about his cousin, who played a role in history. This week, read part one of the story of ED603 and the recovered Merlin engine. Back home, Bluebottle took a picture of a boat he didn't like very much. And of course his vampire story is getting to the nail-biting stage.
- This month, we're asking you to tell us some ghost stories. I'll start with some real-life paranormal stuff, as presented by my grandmother in spite of my mom.
- While all this has been going on, our other photographers have been busy capturing autumn beauty. From Pennsylvania's hills to the Austrian mountains to the misty peaks of Scotland, there are things to wonder at. (Also cute animals.)
- When you're done with all that, read the jokes, find out what Awix saw at the cinema this week and why he didn't enjoy it as much as he thought he would, and read a poem or two.
I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I enjoyed assembling it. Some days, my inbox is a source of endless wonder. (Other days, Paigetheoracle sends me more emails that say, 'There was a water bird here. I just missed it.')
Please keep sending Stuff like this. This is fun! Have a great week out there, and remember: if you see a parade out your window, take a picture. We aren't the BBC.
Quote of the Week. There are things so stupid that you must be a multibillionaire to believe them.
John Cusack