A Conversation for Balance of Probabilities: Chapter 36

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Post 1

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

I was expecting a big war after last chapter. We got reconciliation instead. Didn't see that one coming. (which is a good thing).

Thanks for your lovely, intriguing, sometimes rather violent and gory story.

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Post 2


Thanks. Tbh there was going to be a battle scene but I've done that to death over recent years and travel plans forced a shorter ending which may calm certain concerns already expressed.

I'm waiting for all the tales to end before reading them as a whole. (Shift work doesn't really lend itself to weekly reading.) So look forward to that.

Thanks too to DG for posting for me while I've been in the electronic wilderness. smiley - cheers

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Post 3

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

That sounds familiar. Summer holidays coming up and such.

I'm writing chapter 41 as we speak. Chapter 42 will be the last, maybe with an Appendix 42B.

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