Balance of Probabilities: Chapter 36

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Balance of Probabilities: Chapter 36

Scales of justice and DNA.

And that was exactly the order in which they came.

Hundreds at a time. Two thousand troops gathering, meeting little resistance. Thousands more followed as the Tube worked 24/7. Numbers swelling even more, as they strolled across Society.

Everywhere, families weeping in the streets of the Megacities as news travelled over the swiftly commandeered coms,

"Your babies are alive and well, come out and join them, you are in no danger, please come out, march with us, stop this insanity once and for all!"

By the time the armies reached area 4, word had spread globally.

Millions of mothers and fathers lined the Tubeways, straining to catch a glimpse of their loved ones, holding out screens with the names of babies presumed gone from them forever.

As the wave of humanity swept across the world, Society, the Agency, even the CoDE bowed meekly before it.

Change was coming. Society Databases provided names, dates, families were reunited after so very long.

Who knew whether it was changing for good or bad.

Was it possible to live in a world where crime may re-emerge?

What were the chances that they could live peacefully, safely, in a world where violence and deceit may lurk around the corner?

What was the likelihood they were letting murderers into their homes?

Nobody cared, they were willing to take the chance on the balance of probabilities that life would be better with their children in it.

The End
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