What We Need More of at the Zoo

1 Conversation

What We Need More of at the Zoo

Ah, zoos. One thing I love about zoos is their signage. Not for them the useless new-fangled touch screen displays that only one person can use at a time, takes ages to load and most of the time is crashed, oh no! They have proper signs up that loads of people can read at any one time, telling you all about what you want to know, such as what the animals in front of you are, what their Latin name is, where (outside zoos) they're found and how extinct they are. And this trend continues outside the zoo, too, where this sign has kindly informed me that kids love nature and more parking. Handy to know that while kids love nature, they prefer parking. In fact when I saw this sign, instead of buying for Christmas the Noah's Ark playset I'd intended, I bought a multi-storey carpark playset and the kids loved putting the cars in their parking spaces (again too narrow for the cars so no-one would be able to open the doors), slide the cars down the ramp and winding them up in the lift1.

Thanks zoo..
A sign that says kids love nature and more parking
A reader of the h2g2 Post
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24.07.23 Front Page

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1Do car lifts really exist anywhere? If so, I hope they're not hand-cranked.

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