A Conversation for Video: Bunny, Up Close and Personal
At least this one works
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Started conversation Jul 2, 2023
I clicke don the Washington Post video and got this response: "The page cannot be found." I tried in several different ways and got the same result (is this related to the well-known test for insanity?)
At least this one works
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jul 2, 2023
Try the Washington Post March again, please, and let me know if it works now.
I appreciate you telling me - since you're one of the ones who reads the Post in Ripley, you get to test the links.
[Explanation: sometimes in transferring the pages from Word to the h2g2 parser, spaces can creep in that mess up the links. The Pliny link showed up and nobody noticed the Ripley one - and the Ripley link had an extra space.]
At least this one works
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jul 2, 2023
Now it works fine. Thank you
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At least this one works
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