A Conversation for Colours of Wildlife: Capped Wheatear
Adaptability is a good thing
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Started conversation Jul 2, 2023
Birds have an advantage because of their mobility. Sometimes this can work against them. For some reason, they sometimes fly into the side of my house. I saw a dead one on my front walk this morning. It's not unusual to hear them hitting my house. Is it because my house is a shade of gray that's like the sky in early morning or late at night?
Adaptability is a good thing
Willem Posted Jul 5, 2023
Hello again! I think birds fly into houses since they're not 'wired' for understanding houses, they're often not looking out for them when they fly. Or they fly into windows because they don't understand glass. Does your house have lots of windows?
Adaptability is a good thing
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Jul 5, 2023
It has some picture windows in the living room. This is a problem because birds fly from my neighbor's roof to trees on the other side of the house. Maybe they think they can fly through it.
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Adaptability is a good thing
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