A Conversation for Horror at HQ: Episode 20

The thought plickens

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Yes, if you have enough evidence, by all means proceed. smiley - ok

The thought plickens

Post 2

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

They didn't call the police yet? Strange.
It is normally the job of the police to collect evidence. I agree that this sometimes is not happening as good as it should, but now we have a situation where possible clues could be compromised.

We'll see what the police have to say about that.

The thought plickens

Post 3


The police must have been called as it has been said that they put tape across the lift and asked people to be vigilant in earlier episodes.smiley - bluelightsmiley - handcuffs


The thought plickens

Post 4


I suppose it is possible that they misheard 'the police would like everyone to be vigilant' as 'the police would like everyone to be a vigilante'...?


The thought plickens

Post 5

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Maybe the Police were mentioned in the sense that Sting has come to sing in the office

The thought plickens

Post 6

SashaQ - happysad

Yes, the police attended the scene, put tape across the stairs and drew a chalk outline where the victim had been found. The staff in HQ were subsequently able to suggest additional lines of enquiry smiley - bluelightsmiley - handcuffs

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