Gravepicking: The Power of Water

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Gravepicking is set in the far-distant past, in a place called Marinskaya in Russia. Our author takes us on a journey. Pato and Bora explore their world and meet strangers.

Gravepicking: The Power of Water

An extinct volcano

The background rumbling noise and tremors in the earth do nothing to help trying to sleep. Neither does the swollen river, now roaring rather than gurgling. Pato thinks himself lucky to be out of that narrow part of the gorge. Just in time, it seems.

There is one thing he has decided already. They will take a slight detour to maintain higher ground, because he doesn't trust the river anymore. Doubling back from their camping spot only a very short stretch, Pato and Bora take a smaller side valley to the West, which quickly takes them up to a much wider valley running in parallel to the main gorge, eventually even widening out to a plateau overlooking it. Breathing is starting to get more difficult , especially during the ascent. The view up here is magnificent, but for some reason the actual goal, the two-peaked mountain, is hidden again behind some nearer peaks. In the sure knowledge that they still have to cross the river once again, Pato bears left, skirting the mountain. He only knows of one safe place to cross when the river is filled like this. Behind the mountain, across a ledge, they enter a circus-shaped valley with a roaring waterfall at the bottom centre. The top of the waterfall is where they head, descending carefully across the grassed over scree slope, passing some distinctive cone shaped stone pillars on the way, zigzagging to reduce the inclination.

Overseeing the valley, Pato sees the little surprise he has kept secret for Bora, hidden in some clouds. He is relieved to see that the large rock is still cradled above the waterfall to form a bridge, giving them safe passage across the now enormous torrent raging down. Climbing up the other bank again, Pato stops at some steaming pools and looks expectantly at Bora.

Bora meanwhile is in deep thought considering what good advice she can give her successor. 'Do not go to a smoking mountain if you can avoid it' ranks high on her list, closely followed by 'Why are we doing this again?'. She is woken from her thoughts by the vision of Pato disrobing and taking a plunge in one of the pools they have been standing next to, making frantic gestures to do the same thing.

After soaking for some time, Bora admits that bathing in hot springs is indeed a very good idea after a long day on the road. She tries to think of a way to depict that wisdom on a stone. Maybe she should start her own history stone project for things that are useful for herself only. Feeling over the bottom of the pool, she finds just the right rock for that purpose, so she puts it next to her leather bag with the official stone.

Refreshed, they pitch their tents right next to more conical rocks and get ready for the night.

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