A Conversation for Vienna 1880 - 5 Morning guests

Cafes and Writers

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I remember reading about Erich Kästner, that they kept his typewriter behind the counter in his favourite cafe so he could work there! In Munich, I think it was.

I like the idea that 'real writers' have to hang out in cafes! smiley - smiley As usual, the menu is tempting.

Cafes and Writers

Post 2

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Oh yes, it was an actual thing. It even has a name: Kaffeehausliteratur

Many writers used to hang out on cafés and so did composers, artists and even architects. Hoffmannsthal, Schnitzler, Schiele, Klimt...

Cafes and Writers

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

It makes perfect sense. At uni in Bonn, we used to hang out at the student coffee house in the main building (the one Beethoven grew up in). We'd do our work there and get into discussions. smiley - smiley It's a good way to exchange ideas.

Cafes and Writers

Post 4

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - cool Oh yes, we did the same. We had a small café in the main courtyard of the uni building.

Cafes and Writers

Post 5

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

I want to do that too, but all cafes are currently locked down around here, so I have to make do with home made hot chocolate and whipped cream in front of a roaring fire. This does not sound that bad, now I come to think of it.

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