A Conversation for Café Stay Home: Taps
Showing off muscles
Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking. Started conversation Jun 16, 2020
Interesting play of light in the background. The curve creates extra depth.
Is that another deformed Q I am seeing mirrored in the end of the tap?
The tap appears to be showing its muscles, with those raised tap handles (Could be Händls, if you added some classical music)
Good work.
Showing off muscles
SashaQ - happysad Posted Jun 16, 2020
Yes, the tap is showing off indeed
Yes, the way the sunlight was reflecting off the tap inspired me to take the photo - fascinating.
I checked just now, and found I am not tall enough to be reflected in the end of the tap - the distorted shape is the kitchen cupboards behind me
Showing off muscles
cactuscafe Posted Jun 16, 2020
Hah! found you, black and white mysterious magical tap
I saw this picture in the Editorial, and was about to write to the Post Ed to ask what it was! Then I found it here!
It caught my eye immediately, the silvery black and white. Can you have silvery black and white? I see lots of silvery. I think also because of the curvy bit, the contrast with the shape of the tap, that curvy background bit, ah yes. I could go on about it. And probably will. OK I won't. Good work indeed, Sasha.
Showing off muscles
SashaQ - happysad Posted Jun 17, 2020
Yay! - thanks cc xx
DG thought you would like this picture!
'Silvery black and white' describes it perfectly
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Showing off muscles
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