A Conversation for Colours of Wildlife: More Terror Birds

I would hate to run into one of those in a narrow passage between cliffs or trees

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Those bills mean business! smiley - yikes I even imagined that the first one pictured had sharp teeth as well as beaks, but when I looked closer, the "teeth" were stuff that I should have cleaned from my screen. smiley - erm

I think those bis are terrifying enough without also being able to fly.

I would hate to run into one of those in a narrow passage between cliffs or trees

Post 2


Yes, you wouldn't want to stay around with one of those things coming in your direction!

I would hate to run into one of those in a narrow passage between cliffs or trees

Post 3

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

On the plus side, you could look for a tree big enough to climb. Not being able to fly, those birdlike creatures wouldn't fly up to nab you. smiley - monster

I would hate to run into one of those in a narrow passage between cliffs or trees

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

That reminds me of my favourite scene in 'Quest for Fire'. smiley - rofl Where they're treed by a sabretooth tiger, which is a big cat with fake teeth.

Great movie!

I would hate to run into one of those in a narrow passage between cliffs or trees

Post 5


Hi Paulh, Minorvogonpoet and Dmitri, thanks! Heh heh Dmitri I remember that movie a bit … there were the kittehs with the fake teeth and also the elephants wearing fur coats! If I remember correctly … was almost forty years ago now that it came out ...

I would hate to run into one of those in a narrow passage between cliffs or trees

Post 6

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

A very dear friend, a monk who liked to collect digital laser disk movies, once asked us what film to show to go along with the college students' study of Rousseau. I suggested 'Quest for Fire'. He showed it.

The head of the language department said, 'Only a Frenchman could come up with this,' and promptly fell asleep. smiley - rofl

The first time we saw it was in Germany. The Germans loved it. They laughed all the way through.

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